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  1. FishouttaH20

    Powdery Mildew Problem in Hydro System

    I tried "PM wash" on my DWC and all it did was spread the mildew all over the fucking place. There is an industrial product that grape growers use for PM called AQ-10.. I can't find it for sale though. Any thoughts?
  2. FishouttaH20

    Large Soil Containers. Rubbermade? 55 Gal Drum? Others?

    WTF is with you man.. your annoying and ignorant is all I know. I'm a Colto MMJ patient thats been at it for some time.. and QUICKLY learned (one season) that 5 gallon containers severely limit the quality, size and weigh of outdoor flowers. Check out MrCouchloks channel on youtube.. I just...
  3. FishouttaH20

    "That Stuff" Mighty Wash? Kills Mites Dead

    That PM wash doesn't seem to be very effective , I have been spot spraying and it's not completely gone by anymeans ....I dunno maybe they need a daily drenching of "that stuff".. which registered 2.25 P.H at the dro store when I bought some recently. Meh.. Anyone else?
  4. FishouttaH20

    Take a Look at This Pest

    Excellent Tommy...thanks for your help
  5. FishouttaH20

    Take a Look at This Pest

    little prick got stuck on some adhesive residue ..and tore his own leg off trying to escape. suffer my little nemesis..suffer well
  6. FishouttaH20

    Take a Look at This Pest

    Hey friends, After having minimal problems for the past couple of years.. this round of dwc has been flustering to say the least. I am on day 43 of flower and after addressing some root rot, I have notice these little sucks buzzing around the base of my girls. Hoping...
  7. FishouttaH20


    CAN I POST links? This is where its at..subcritical Butane extraction of 72- 90 mic bubble hash
  8. FishouttaH20

    My Rooting Gel FROZE in the fridge

    Moved the terrarium into the vegging space...roots are popping now...WOOT WOOT! Funny thing though, I got an answer on YAHOO ANSWERS within one minute, and nary a reply here in over a week...whats up with that?:wall:
  9. FishouttaH20

    My Rooting Gel FROZE in the fridge

    Ok, bought a $20 bottle of CLONEX. Worked perfectly with 100% success my first two attempts. The guy at the Grow store told me not to dip in the jar and to keep it stored in the fridge. So I went to take some more cuttings and the blue Gel had frozen solid. I thawed it at room temp, used it, but...
  10. FishouttaH20

    How To: Seeds

    homegrownboy, Your RIGHT. Sorry for being a digital dolt....but YOU ANSWERED MY QUESTION straight away, and I thank you. If this seed sprouts, I'm looking at some GUMBO or GUMBO POLLEN, which, in either case, is Totally awesome! LMAO...........thanks HGB, you da man :clap:
  11. FishouttaH20

    How To: Seeds

    Do male seeds create seed pods with viable seed? Must I pollinate a female with a male to create seed? Wondering cause I just grabbed a gram of "GUMBO" and found a seed. I planted it, and am hoping to propagate this strain whether or not it's a female. I looked all over for this info and can;t...
  12. FishouttaH20

    Q.1 reveg in dwc Q.2 never change water in dwc

    My DWC Tub is pretty large, I changed the water when I switched to 12/12. Otherwise I had a dozen gallons of H2O on standby to top it off every few days as needed. So I guess I would call that a "partial" water change. Works for me.
  13. FishouttaH20

    So Close to Harvest Fest...HELP ME PLEASE

    These are some Millennium Girls just a Few weeks from Harvest, I'm using DWC and Soil, (in the same closet) but all the plants are suddenly exhibiting this Yellowing, brown spotting that's FREAKING me out! This is my first indoor grow, I don't wanna fail this close to being finished. I am using...
  14. FishouttaH20

    Do i really need CO2 for my flowering plants?

    Craigslist hooked me up proper as well :):hug:
  15. FishouttaH20

    BOTANICARE ~nute additives~

    Great info...thanks fellas. Liquid Karma and Sweet it is... "Millenium" strain is already smelling like Concorde grapes so I'll follow through
  16. FishouttaH20

    BOTANICARE ~nute additives~

    As I approach week four of the bloom phase, I was looking for some input regarding Botanicare "Sweet". I have read lots of info regarding Molasses, I just prefer dropping a few extra bucks on new school tek. I am using PRO-BLOOM right now, but It seems time to add some extra goodness. My...
  17. FishouttaH20

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    I Some places ask you to make the disp. your caregiver. Thus allowing them to grow more plants and sell Members or you @ discounted prices. What was normally 50$ is now 30$ and so on. Only drawback to this is that you have given your growing rights to someone else. It is fine for those who do...
  18. FishouttaH20

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Sorry Fellas, I Didn't realize that I was out of compliance with the forum guidelines. In hindsight, It occurs to me that I need to remain low key regardless of state law. Your right about Craigslist, But that seems like a another gray area regarding the law. How Do I ascend from "Stranger"...
  19. FishouttaH20

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Would Anyone wanna swap Strains? We can trade clones as Registry card holders no worries right? I currently only have one strain...Millennium, which started as one $30 dollar clone, but I take cuttngs off this bad ass bush and they are superb clones of the highest order. I just want a heavy...
  20. FishouttaH20

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Yo Heatles... I switched from "Herbal wellness" to "Denver Relief", The folks at Herbal Wellness are good people, I just sensed a little greediness and superiority from them. $30 per clone? That's B.S.! Adam from Denver Relief grows the best Herb I have had EVER... and I grew up in Florida and...