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  1. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    Woops I forogt to add that I did in fact remove the male today, in a somewhat somber ceremony. I couldn't make it up to worm's way today to grab another bag of fox farm ocean forest because of the weather, but I should be able to get it tomorrow. I'll also pick up another pot because I'm pretty...
  2. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    It turned out to be a male. :( I still have 3 babies vegging and will move them into the male's growbox. I am going up to worm's way later to buy a new bag of Fox Farm ocean forest and 2 new pots. I will be transplanting them from the plastic cups they are in now to their final homes. I will...
  3. Budskee420

    Is this POG plant a male, or a hermie? (lotsa pics)

    Damn I knew those were male sacks but was hoping those were also buds growing at the top. So much time and love into this guy. I greatly appreciate your response though, even if it was bad news. Oh well, this is a lesson learned, it's a good thing I decided to start 3 more plants a few weeks...
  4. Budskee420

    Is this POG plant a male, or a hermie? (lotsa pics)

    Ok well my worst fears have come true.....kind of. after 2 months of love and care my Pot of Gold has shown signs of being male.......but has also shows signs of being female. I'm a complete noob and this is my first plant. I see what appear to be sacs forming, and I also see what appear to be...
  5. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    If it is a Hermie, should I still grow it? he/it is my only plant, i got 3 babies vegging for just this scenario but I've already put so much time and love into it. What do you guys think?
  6. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    Ok guys, I am fairly certain she is in fact a he. I would really appreciate any feedback but I took more pics today. I'm confused. I see what appear to be lil seed pods in the making, but I also see what appear to be buds forming. I took many, many pics. (Took me almost an hour to get these pics...
  7. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    anyone have an idea of what the sex may be? I checked again today when the lights went on and it still looks about the same. I'm really hoping it isn't a male but that sure looks like the beginnings of a pollen sack to me. :(
  8. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    Hey guys here is an update. I'm kind of apprehensive about posting this because I think my deepest fears have come true, although a second opinion would be GREATLY appreciated. On a little over 2 weeks of flowering...........Male, or Female? :-? I hope to god shes a fem. but just in case a few...
  9. Budskee420

    Growing Mids with CFL (Experiment)

    lookin real good man. I guess your experiment is going according to plan. They look pretty nummy to me lol, keep it up.
  10. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    Thank you for the info and the heads up. I repped you and Mr. Therapy Man. I will hopefully have my plants moved into their new home tonight. I will post many pics when they move. :) Thanks again for your help guys, I'm very green and am afraid even with all the research I'm doing will act as...
  11. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    Thank you Mr. Therapy Man. The leaves on yours seem to be a bit fatter than mine. The guy I bought the bud the seeds came in told me it was pot of gold, and he's pretty knowledgeable. But I'm wondering if mine is in fact that strain. Thanks for the pics I appreciate it. I guess we'll hopefully...
  12. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    Thanks so much for the reply. I did have a question I have been searching, when I start feeding it nutrients what are the best organic brands to go with? And are nutes and ferts the same thing? And when should I start on the nutes? Sorry for so many questions but I will continue to look up...
  13. Budskee420

    My First Grow! DIY DWC & Grow Area, SNOW WHITE FEM FROM SEED!

    Very nice set up for a first time. I decided to go soil for my first grow. Could you tell me what kind of light fixtures t hose are? They look EXTREMELY convenient o use since they seem to plug directly into a power strip and hold 2 bulbs. I was looking for something like that earlier today at...
  14. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    Just went to lowes today looking for some kind of lighting fixtures to set up in my babies new home. Since I am in no way a qualified electrician i decided to pick up 2 more clamp lamps to go with the one I already have. I also found this neat little 75 watt yellow cfl "bug light". I think the...
  15. Budskee420

    101 Already Asked Questions

    I was wondering when I should start nutes? I am over the second week of my pot of gold babies veg stage and am going for a completely organic grow.
  16. Budskee420

    First grow. Pot of Gold (I think)

    Here it is, after lurking on these forums for about a month now, I have decided to make a thread of my first grow ever. PLEASE feel free to give me any advice. Just so you know, the current pc stealth veg box I have going on is extremely temporary, my girl's new home will be up to snuff, and...