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  1. J

    how do i plant my roaches?

    Well......... I just read this whole thread like many before me, and i gotta give it up to ya. weather your pullin a fast one on us or you actully did it im impressed eather way lol. And a fuck off to the non-belivers im doin it!
  2. J

    Stoner Boycott of Kellogg's Company

    Fellow American and all stoners alike lets back up our man Michael Phelps in boycotting Kellogg’s for there termination of his contract because he took a bong hit. bongsmilie I mean really, Kellogg’s thinks they only cater to kids. But let us prove to them that stoners like to grab a...
  3. J

    Should I flip or wait? High quality pics .. Need pro help

    hey man.. im not one to talk much.. but your plants dont seem to be in the best shape.. why are some huge and others lookin like they were just planted? and whats up with your lingo too? what do you mean zip? cuz i have many diffrent sized zip lock baggies.. ok ok enough of my asshole shining...
  4. J

    Grand Daddy Purple S.O.G. Journal

    Its looking nice Man! but i need a lil explanation to help me out.. Ive always looked plant prosses as.. the more root and the more leaf means the plant can produce more energy for budding but your method seems to be the oppisit of that.. You have a very short/no veg time (meaning less roots)...
  5. J


    Is that the truth... Finally! "Im proud to be an American" There sure isn't gonna be anymore of this shit goin on now!kiss-ass
  6. J


    Whad' up yo! just had to hit up the gaint thread...... Is your color blue the same as mine? its all called Blue, but are we really seeing the same thing?!?!?! you cant prove it!
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    Grand Daddy Purple S.O.G. Journal

    Damn, those are looking good!
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    Grand Daddy Purple S.O.G. Journal

    Well i must say im gonna be watching this one too... Soil, no veg, and s.o.g., thats basiclly the oppisite of how ive grown (but i cant say much i havnt gotten over an Oz before). I got robed a few months back and just moved so im lookin to start fresh, ill see how you do and might...
  9. J

    Help with a new grow room

    cool thanks
  10. J

    Help with a new grow room

    Ok im back on here agian. I finaly had some scuscuss on my last grow, got a half Oz total on 4 plants in a small closet. My "friend" stoll all my shit when i was outta town this summer and i nedd to start over. :wall: Im in a new house with a great attict space to use. :-P the temp...
  11. J

    My gf gets turned on when i grow

    Asshole! lol na im just messing. My (now ex-)gf would get pissed when i would grow.. had to kick that bitch to the curb! soulds like u got one heck of a set up goin on there! keep up the grow and the pleasing! lol Peace
  12. J

    My Grow Room

    7.5 feet should be cool as far as i know..
  13. J

    Nute Burn! Help needed!

    Cool thanks man!
  14. J

    Nute Burn! Help needed!

    Ok so i put my plants into aggressive bloom 3 days ago ( and it might of been early). they showed signs of nute burn.. What do i need to do to fix the problem?:confused:
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    Audrey 1 (my first grow log - comments/help welcome)

    Yea i agree with that, but what im saying is watts add up, lumens don't.. you can have 2 100 watt bulbs, say both with 1000 lumens, there are 200 watts beings used, but only maybe a 1020 lumens. and most grow books talk about lumens just for this reason.
  16. J


    Yo Happy 420!!
  17. J

    Audrey 1 (my first grow log - comments/help welcome)

    I personally don't think humidity isn't a huge concern, just make sure its not super dry, the shopping list sounds good. I'm not sure what you want the shower curtain for? But your plants are looking good! So just keep up the good work and you'll do good! Laters
  18. J

    Audrey 1 (my first grow log - comments/help welcome)

    From what I've read outta my grow book, thats not right. Lumens is what matters to plants, man. Watts don't mean anything to plants, I'm a physics major, watts is just a measure of power consumption, the more watts, the more power you use from the grid. The lumens (another measurement of...
  19. J

    Audrey 1 (my first grow log - comments/help welcome)

    If you add CFL's it will add lumens (which will allow you to get your low number lumens all over the plant), but not the intensity of the lumens which is what the plants really need to grow fast! the intensity will only increase if the bulb its self has the intensity. no number of bulbs will do...
  20. J

    Audrey 1 (my first grow log - comments/help welcome)

    Oh, and welcome to the World of growing! lol once you start it's hard to stop. just keep at it and you'll get what your looking for in the end!