looking good!!!
dirty bud hooker shot up quite a bit!
all your little ones are growing quick... mine are slow not sure why. i have good light, water and they aren't being burned. ??I'm puzzled??:-(
looks really tasty bro. but i would let them go another week. get a pocket microscope and when around 30-40% of the trichombs are amber then is the time to chop
i would say it is possible with the PERFECT climate, tempuratures, nutrients for that particular strain, and many other aspects such as major lighting and many more things.
go to youtube and search for national geographic's pot documentary and in there is a hydro system that would surely...
good looking results so far butters!! i will definitely follow this one seeing as i have mostly the same setup/strains as you so i will be here for the ride.:bigjoint::bigjoint:
ohh a creeper dude, around here if you sold that to the right people you could get potentially 70 to 90 bucks an eighth... some people are retards. but i want some looks tasty. im drunk and high so excuse me if im not making sense.
most definitely trying this or something very close to this method on my current grow.... good thread fuck all haters they just need to smoke a doobey and relax.
im sure most of you know this but you can buy a honey oil extractor and you would use butane with this the same as any home made extractor. i have never used said product but it could increase yield/potency of the final product. the extractor will run you around 40 bucks from what Ive seen.
really good germination rate. how old are they now? you should put up some pics if possible always nice to look:lol:. if the bud hooker turns out female i bet it will produce some very interesting results!
ill be following this grow very closely.
Alright its been a few days since i have posted and here's the update. the seedling has grown another quarter inch and the serrated leaves are starting to come out. but i have noticed the serrated leaves are somewhat yellow near the base of the leaf. nothing that's life threatening at the moment...
im getting barney farms G13 haze. looks great and have heard some good stuff about it. im just looking to maximize yield while maintaining quality. by commercial do you mean a seperate building to use for a grow space? or an extra bedroom or something?
my grow room is just a closet. but when...