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  1. doitinthewoods

    Can I still scrog? +Rep

    I wouldn't at this point. If you try it again you should do all the trimming in veg.
  2. doitinthewoods

    How much bud do i have hanging up? PIC

    probably a little less than 2 oz. Around 60 grams dry maybe.
  3. doitinthewoods

    Growing In The Woods

    Yea, pissing around you area works. Also, if you cut you hair regularly or have a way to get the hair from a barber, that also works. The "FEDZ" have bigger things to worry about than your garden. Even if they DID happen to try to do some sort of forensic examination of the site(which is very...
  4. doitinthewoods

    Growing In The Woods

    Use grow bags, or 5 gal. buckets. You can bury them up to the rim and like the other guy said, you can move them if you really have to. A 2" layer of gravel at the bottom of the bucket never hurts. I never grow in a place that I can only get to from one way. Never go the EXACT same way to your...
  5. doitinthewoods

    How tall?

    well, how old are they? I have 3 plants that are about 5 days from harvest, and they're roughly 5 ft tall. They've been flowering for 72 days. When I started flowering after 7 weeks of veg, I think they were about 30 inches tall. It has a lot to do with the strain, the grower, the set up, how...
  6. doitinthewoods

    How to use the Illuminated Microscope from RadioShack? Please help!

    Yea, that's basically what I use. Mine is old though. 30x mag is really all you need.
  7. doitinthewoods

    How to use the Illuminated Microscope from RadioShack? Please help!

    Yea, that thing is really difficult to use. The rollers that you use to focus are reversed. So, when you're trying to bring something in to your frame or in to focus, move the knobs backwards of what seems right. I would only use the 60x, and even then you're going to have to use a small piece...
  8. doitinthewoods

    I Like Mark Knopfler - Give Me Ideas On Something New

    Neko Case is good. I saw her a while back with Unknown Hinson.
  9. doitinthewoods

    u reall gotta read this!!

    yea, I don't blame her. I know several people in the past 3 years who have almost completely separated themselves from banks. They are genuinely rotten to the core.
  10. doitinthewoods

    Simple question about growing in an attic...

    Yea, that will help a lot. Just make sure that you can control the temp to some degree. If there is any way you can filter the intake air that would be good. You don't always need a carbon filter with attic grows in the winter unless you're doing a lot of plants. The cool air this time of year...
  11. doitinthewoods

    Are you meant to run the intake & vent exhaust from outside?

    You can have your exhaust going anywhere you want as long as it's filtered properly. It will smell kinda sterile, but a few air fresheners help. It really doesn't matter where you intake from as long as the air is the right temp, and that it's filtered if it needs it. Inside intake is better...
  12. doitinthewoods

    Simple question about growing in an attic...

    It's not the best. You really need to have it in a covered/contained area. An enclosed area is best for an attic so you can filter the intake and control the temp. a lot more easily. You'll find small fibers all over your plants if it's not covered. Do you really want to smoke that shit?
  13. doitinthewoods

    Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

    Who are you to tell anyone to get off the site? I've never met a coc head that grew coc, so how does making a thread about it make him an addict? So, you tell the guy to go buy coc from a dealer instead of attempting to produce it himself. It's highly unlikely that he could ever produce enough...
  14. doitinthewoods

    topping clones

    You can get 4 mains, or two mains, and 2 others that are just slightly shorter. I actually have 2 plants now that grew 4 main tops after topping once. One of them actually pretty much has 5. The fifth is just slightly smaller than the other 4. check this out ...
  15. doitinthewoods

    how to get seeds from your grow?

    :leaf:what do you mean flower them early? Before maturity, yes. Once you've dusted down your female, you're going to have to wait until the seeds are ready to harvest. When the seed casing splits and you can see the seed they should be ready to harvest. So, no. As soon as you see buds on the...
  16. doitinthewoods

    How can people smoke several ounces in a week?

    I'm not saying that it couldn't happen but 2 to 3 oz a week? With 2 oz thats smoking a gram every 3 hours, or with 3 oz that's a gram every 1.7 hours. I'm going to assume these people are only awake 12 hours a day, which has them smoking a gram every hour and a half or with 3 oz, it would be a...
  17. doitinthewoods

    How can people smoke several ounces in a week?

    you would have to try really hard to smoke any more than an oz a week of good bud, but I'm sure there is somebody out there who does it. If you're smoking more than an oz of good weed a week, you might want to cut back.
  18. doitinthewoods

    Harvesting only PARTS of a plant in flower? ok?

    But it's not a weed. It's an herb
  19. doitinthewoods

    Growing in Japan ? Need Advices and Knowledge !

    If you did I would do a really small, super stealth grow at first. They'll probably behead you or something if you get caught....maybe cut off a hand or finger or. If you're going to have your own house and only grow a few plants for yourself, you're probably ok. My uncle lives in Japan, and he...
  20. doitinthewoods

    Sometimes i really cant believe how stupid people can be

    they aren't saying that it's clone only. It's saying that it's genetics had a clone only strain in them.