Search results

  1. M

    Poll: Would you buy an all-inclusive grow kit?

    I should have mentioned that $420 was the price point for one of our pre-made boxes. Like CDXX said, the problem with pre-made kits is that they cant possibly satisfy everyone's needs. There are too many different features and not everyone wants the same thing--some people dont need stealth...
  2. M

    Poll: Would you buy an all-inclusive grow kit?

    Not everyone has the time or wherewithal to build their own, but our product is aimed at making sure they can still grow their own. I appreciate the input, Geekyg.
  3. M

    Poll: Would you buy an all-inclusive grow kit?

    bump! if we could get any other votes by tonight that would be awesome! GST
  4. M

    Poll: Would you buy an all-inclusive grow kit?

    yes, comes with everything you need, light, ballast, set of fox farm nutes, etc. Me and my associates are planning on setting up a website where you can completely customize your box down to every detail. Soil or hydro setups, basically all you need. I appreciate the replies, as my superiors are...
  5. M

    Poll: Would you buy an all-inclusive grow kit?

    So guys, there are lots of interesting grow kits out there. Personally I like DIY jobs, but that may be why I'm interested in making/selling complete grow kits. I was just looking to get a general idea of how many people are interested in buying an all-inclusive kit--completely customizable...
  6. M

    Perfect mother cabinet

    nice, i used the same one. i tried to lightproof it a bit but eventually i just gave up, was more trouble than it was worth. all in all its a good starter cabinet, but it got awfully crowded in there after a few weeks