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  1. Blowinls

    First time start to finish grow "PRODUCT""

    Just finished my first little girl flowered for 8 weeks an gave nutes like 3 weeks till flowering cut down an total weight is only 12.5 grams wet!!! Anybody got an idea what that should be dry??? An the strain is jus a bAg seed off some mids an I'm not sure how long i'm suppose to hang...
  2. Blowinls

    Safe to smoke????

    Mannn today I smoked a fat blunt of that shit an it got me about as high as a newport will definitly wait next time DO NOT DO NOT MICROWAVE WEED... PS. ever
  3. Blowinls

    Safe to smoke????

    Does it Matter that I had the microwave at 30% like this says I'll post pic of buds at 10 when i get outta work
  4. Blowinls

    Safe to smoke????

    Yesterday I was trying to tie one of my plants down away from gettin burnt my lights and branch snapped!!!!! It was 28 days into flower and had one shot of flora nova bloom 3 days before accident I tried quick dry in microwave but it dosent even smell like weed more like broccoli is it safe to...
  5. Blowinls

    Easy strain for beginner grower

    Probably indica due to limited space
  6. Blowinls

    Easy strain for beginner grower

    Jus finishing up my first grow and I plan on starting a new one soon I plan on ordering from the additude what are good strains for new growers
  7. Blowinls

    leaves purpling and exhibiting chlorosis

    It could be the buds sucking all the plants nutrition from the leaves. as long as buds are ok then it should be alrite
  8. Blowinls

    Anyone got pruning tips?

    Or try LST ( low stress training) best way to keep short and bushy with good yeilds
  9. Blowinls

    Post Your CFL Setup!!!

    My cfl set up 8 cfl's 6x26 watt 1x13 watt and 1x23 watt cfl all at 2700 k not sure how many lumens but here it is
  10. Blowinls

    Any body ever use flora nova

    I jus went to hydro shop and the one worker was telling me to use flora nova bloom for flowering stage that it's jus as good as fox farms so I took his word and bought it. And I was just wondering if Anyone on here had good or bad experiences wit it
  11. Blowinls

    First time grower think it's a boy

    No one got input
  12. Blowinls

    First time grower think it's a boy

    I am using organic soil so it will make my buds sweeter? And any link on info on that " real sweetener " thanks
  13. Blowinls

    First time grower think it's a boy

    What up RIU it's BLOWINL's here wit day 22 into fleeting got a new light set up and grox box using 2 10 rubbermaid tubs and attached 8 cfl's To the inside of one of the tubs 6x26 watt cfl's and 1x23 watt and 1x13 watt that's 195 watts all soft white I'm not sure how many lumens that is...
  14. Blowinls

    what are some local customs in your city regarding weed?

    I'm from the east coast we call it "mids" for your regualar 10 bucks a gram weed an "piff" for the good grade weed "regs" for wack weed also "bud" blunts are called "L's" joints are "J's" idk but yea that's that PA shit an every one pretty much smokes dutches or phillies an blunt wraps like...
  15. Blowinls

    First time grower think it's a boy

    molasses? like sap or syrup? I keep seeing this on alot of peoples journal what does it do for the plant
  16. Blowinls

    First time grower think it's a boy

    No one got any imput come on people!!!
  17. Blowinls

    First time grower think it's a boy

    Does the bud growth seem slow? And would ff bloom nutes really increase yeild I am getting new 6 42 watt cfl light fixture sorry bout the messed up post usin my iPhone
  18. Blowinls

    First time grower think it's a boy

    Update 18 days budding same shit light set up upgrading that Thursday "payday" my first girl lost a Lot of lower leaves from usin miracle grow never again other lil girl buds
  19. Blowinls

    cfl lovers

    Do you know how much lumens it gives off
  20. Blowinls

    cfl lovers

    Do you need a ballast for that 70 watt hps or does it screw into a regulAr socket a la cfl