That's what I thought. The past couple of grows I had females so this was something I didn't see form. I do see some cluster of pods and will be pulling them out. Trying to keep the sensi going. Thanks.
Yeah. I think this one is a male. I started flowering some early to see if I can stagger my harvest. The first batch seems to have more males. I will pull once I get them to grow a little more. I plan to see if I can make cannabutter with them. Not worried about seeds since nothing else is...
I have a couple of plants that are starting to preflower. From my past observation, it seems that the females seem to start with a single pod on opposite ends of the nodes. The male preflowers seem to show cluster of pods in the nodes. Is this a correct statement? I have one that is showing...
Thanks Beaner for the great advice. I do agree that if you can, just let it grow naturally. For me, I am trying to learn about the different techniques and how they affect the plant. Reading does not compare to actual experience. I am working on LST due to my time schedule. The...
Thanks for the tips. I'm still a little green with growing. This year, I'm testing different techniques to learn about how they affect growth. I started supercropping and LST about a few weeks back. I plan to FIM later on and see what kind of results I can get. All these techniques are new...
I am a newbie with the auto flowering strains. I got a batch of Short Stuff #1 and wanted to see if super cropping during veg will improve my results. I got a bunch of regular good indicas and hybrids from bag seed going and super cropping them with great results. I'm planning to start a few...
I am currently getting a new job and have no idea if I will need to do a piss test or not. I have stopped smoking for a few weeks now and know that the best way to beat the test is not to smoke. I was wondering if anyone knows or had experience with detox kits from the health places? Can...
The females just carry a scent. Same as what you smell when flowering but it's very light. Smell the main cola where the new growth is forming. The males carry no scent at all. So far, that has been working real good for me.
I have noticed that after my sprouts are a few inches. They carry a scent that I can pick out the females without the need for force flowering. I still don't pull anything till I know for sure, but I have been right on so far. Anyone else doing this or able to do this or is it just me? The...
I am new to this group but have been reading the great info from all the members out there for a while now. I just joined and wanted to send a shout-out to all growers giving such great advice and tips. It has made me a better farmer.
I have noticed that after my sprouts are a few inches...
Thanks for the tips. I have been seeing some good deals for AMS as of late. Definitely something to get started for next years grow. It should be better after I get a complete grow under my belt.
Let me know how that Peacemaker finishes. Would love to see some pics before harvest...
Thanks for the advice. I will just do a straight water flush till finishing and add molasses if the bugs are in control. I usually inspect every bud and squash the ones I see. Doesn't look like I have an infestation, just some new ones trying to live with my girl. I didn't know if tobacco...
I am a new grower. I started to experiment with understanding my grows this year. My current grow is doing good, but I had a hard rain last night and it caused all my stems to droop down where it's pretty straight with the ground. I shook off as much of the excess water to keep the bud from...