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  1. Stonercool

    AN's Rosebud is back...

    Just found out from a super secret person I know that Advanced Nutrients is releasing Rosebud again. That awesomely glossy magazine. This is what my super secret friend told me... "The time has come! You asked for it, you got it. Rosebud Magazine is finally back with a brand new issue out this...
  2. Stonercool

    AN testimonial from Jr

    somebody sent me this and it's cool to see some props for Advanced Nutrients... (Not the best grammar and punctuation, but hey, the message works) I'm a licensed grower up north here in Montana. I started with GH and I switched 2 advanced about 3 months ago.i kept 2 on general hydroponics and...
  3. Stonercool

    Advanced Nutrients

    I've always found the nute calculator to be mroe of a goal than an actual schedule. When I run about 25% less nutes, I don't have troubles with burn. I would just use less than the schedule says and watch your plants. Always easier to put more nutes back into the grow than to take them back...
  4. Stonercool

    Advanced Nutrients Heavy Metals Report-!!MUST READ FOR AN USERS!

    Wow, this thread is still going on?
  5. Stonercool

    Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics (Dumpster Grow)

    While I still don't think folks will drag me away from Advanced Nutrients, this has been a fascinating journal to follow. Thanks for posting all these details - I love seeing facts and pictures. So much more interesting than whining and arguing.
  6. Stonercool

    advanced nutrients help!!

    "your grow journals suck" - wow, what are you, 12? I think you should take everyone's opinion on these boards with a grain of salt. Homebrewer, I mean, I think you have a lot of great things to say, but I think you need to focus more on explaining yourself than just being anti-AN. It's clear...
  7. Stonercool

    Advanced VS House and Garden VS GH - Surprising results !!

    Huh, this is interesting. I really can't believe that a cheap nute can work so well. I've tried using other cheap nutes in my younger days, and they have been nothing but disasters. At the same time, I've used Advanced Nutrients without any issues and great results. And I don't want to knock...
  8. Stonercool

    Advanced Nutrients Heavy Metals Report-!!MUST READ FOR AN USERS!

    Um, my prescription medication can't promise that it WILL make me better because that's not true. It's not sneaky marketing, it's the truth. No one can promise that anything is 100% true. As a good advertiser, to be completely honest, it makes sense to say 'may' or 'could' since that's the...
  9. Stonercool

    Anyone have any experience with Advanced Nutrients root shooters?

    Well, I just looked at the site and the rooter shooters system seems pretty cool to me. And for $20, heck, why not? The benefits are pretty tempting to me and my not so green thumb when it comes to germinating: Save time and money. Increase your survival rates. Avoid rooting too wet. Reduce...
  10. Stonercool

    Nutrients for a Soil Grow (Help A Noob in Need)

    I once emailed Advanced Nutrients and I got this response: Feeding Guideline Don’t start feeding nutrients to rooting clones or seedlings such as the 2 part Sensi A & B (Grow) until they develop 3 or 4 sets of new/true leaves. Until they develop 3 or 4 sets of new (clones)/true (seedlings)...
  11. Stonercool

    first in a series of questions

    Good questions. First off, I would suggest you pick up some books on growing since those are going to have the most reliable steps and advice. Better than the boards in most cases. 1. Hydro is easiest, in my opinion. 2. Advanced Nutrients have always worked for me. 3. Again, read up on the...
  12. Stonercool

    Nute long before any burning will show after feeding in soil? with pi

    Yeah, I agree that the PPM sounds a little high, but if things are looking good, you're probably fine. Soil works to buffer nutes, so you might not see any nute troubles for a few days after you add them. Yes on the leaf tips burning first, so that's what you need to look for. I'm sure...
  13. Stonercool

    advanced nutrients vs super soil?

    It's sad, really. People call themselves serious growers and base their opinions on a nutrient on their marketing - not on what the nutes do. Advanced Nutrients is an awesome brand, and I base that on my experience, not on how they market. If there was another brand that outperformed them, I...
  14. Stonercool

    A good soil??

    Wow. Raw, you need to chill the f out. Srsly. If your plants look good, let them be. If your plants don't look good, then do something. Right now, I think you need to smoke for a bit and step away from the computer. You're getting a little too antsy and that means you're going to make too...
  15. Stonercool

    Quick stupid question about Advanced nutrients

    Hey man, you have your own thread, so just wait for folks to answer you there. Hijacking some other dude's thread because you're not being patient enough is kinda jerky. I'll head over your thread right now to see if I can help. :joint:
  16. Stonercool

    Voodoo Juice, Big Bud and Overdrive HELP!!!

    Okay, first off, back away from the Miracle Grow. Total crap for things you're going to smoke. If you want to use it for your petunias, go for it, but it's total crap if you want quality smoke. You can find an easy to use growing schedule here...
  17. Stonercool

    Help Plz

    NO!!! Don't use Miracle Grow. It's crap for growing. Not only does it give massive nute burn, as you have already learned. Use things that are designed specifically for growing MJ. They're going to help you get awesome harvests, plus you're not going to have to mess with nute burn once you...
  18. Stonercool

    1:st grow, lolife auto blueberry & lemon skunk, balcony in autopots

    Wow. I would encourage you to use the nutrients at 25% strength at first. That way, you have room to move up, because it's harder to flush out nutes than it is to add them again. I have to say, while I'm jealous of all of the nutes you have, this is far too complicated for me. I like just a...
  19. Stonercool

    Homemade Bud Candy

    Your name is pretty accurate - deflator. You sound like a tool man. Or a cop. LOL. Advanced Nutrients is far from a joke. And if you were a serious grower, you'd know that. From what I've learned from my research (and curious, have you actually done any of your own or have you just been...
  20. Stonercool

    Advanced Nutrients Big Bud With Lucas Formula ??? How Much To Use??

    Hells yeah. Advanced Nutrients is great with the Lucas Formula. But I think you need to measure it per liter per gallon. There's a great calculator on the Advanced Nutrients site that you can use, though I'm not sure if it runs all of the different feeds. All I do know is that you do want to...