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  1. 420elf13

    Air Pump/Stone?

    My air stones aren't putting out very many bubbles. Two very small streams at the most. I tried both my stones (both are used), one output nothing, the other very little. Putting just the hose in the reservoir produced bubbles, so it's not my air pump right? Do I just need to buy a new stone...
  2. 420elf13

    How do I do Screen of Green...

    It's okay to do that to the plant? Every time I touch it I'm worried about breaking it. So they will grow back through the screen without me touching it?
  3. 420elf13

    Does this screen look okay?

    I have heard about problems from a clear basin, but it hasn't harmed the growth of the roots
  4. 420elf13

    Does this screen look okay?

    This is my best attempt at putting a screen in here, does it look okay? Will this keep the plant height down? What else do I need to do to train the plants? BTW, the plants did not grow though the screen. I just put it in today. I pulled the plants through it.
  5. 420elf13

    How do I do Screen of Green...

    Okay, so judging from my pictures, should I put the screen right above my plants, or do I need to feed them through the screen. I think there has already been to much growth for the screen to work properly.
  6. 420elf13

    How do I do Screen of Green...

    8 inches will work with a screen you mean? Or you're saying I don't need a screen?
  7. 420elf13

    How do I do Screen of Green...

    I heard it was metal music that did the best.... should music only be on during the light cycle?
  8. 420elf13

    How do I do Screen of Green...

    Yeah, that helps them grow
  9. 420elf13

    How do I do Screen of Green...

    I only have 8" from pot to lights. I need to get screen in there soon, should I put it right above the plants or put it lower and force the leaf sets throught it?
  10. 420elf13

    How do I do Screen of Green...

    with a plant this size? It's already in flowering, so what parts do I need to put through chicken wire to keep the height down?
  11. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    Okay, so the plant is going through the screen right? Should the screen go closer to the pots or closer to the lights?
  12. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    So should I get fine screen like for a window or chicken wire? Thanks
  13. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    Why couldn't I just top the plants?
  14. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    I have extreme space restrictions, I have 8" from pots to lights, and the plants were 4" at Flowering
  15. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    So how would I go about topping the plant? That seems like the easiest thing to do, but what will that do to my yield?
  16. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    I can see how the unknown nutes could be a concern. But the plant has been growing beautifully with no problems. And I did figure out my lighting. I have 2 6500k bulbs and 1 2700k bulb. So I need to replace the 2 65's for 27's for flowering yes? So should I just put some H2O2 into the basin...
  17. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    Thanks, I'll look into lights and a different basin. But the roots don't seem to have a problem growing, the roots system is covering the bottom of the container.
  18. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    I understand the system. I just don't know the type of bulbs and nutes I am using. My plants have been doing well, except for these burn marks. Does lower spectrum just mean lower wattage? I have looked into LST, but I am scared of breaking the plant.
  19. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    The plants are about a month old, from germination. I honestly don't know what kind of lights I am using. I bought this system on eBay, it just came with lights and nutrients. My nutes are in little baggies, G for Grow, and F for Flowering. I use distilled water.
  20. 420elf13

    Don't know what to do

    I'm starting to worry about my plant height. I am only 4 days into flowering and I have less than 6" to grow before my plant hits the light bulbs. If I put a screen there, will that be okay? What will happen to the plants as it keeps growing into the screen? Also, some of my leaves have brown...