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  1. S

    Brownish-red pistils?

    cool man, i'll give it a shot. Thanks!
  2. S

    Brownish-red pistils?

    yeah thats what others said too, thing is the walls are just a plastic, kinda translucent, i'll lose alot of light!
  3. S

    first grow success!

    i was wondering about that, i have had the foil up for the last 7 weeks though and i just noticed the browing today. wasn't there yesterday, and its the dull side of the foil, you really think that could be it?
  4. S

    Brownish-red pistils?

    thanks, well, its wierd because it's sporadic throughout the plants, some buds near the bottom AND the top appear this way, but the top most colas haven't been affected. I haven't been touching them at all. Could it be chemical burn? i did switch to a slightly stronger nutes mixture just 4 days ago.
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    first grow success!

    planted seed Aug 10th, switched to flowering schedule Sept. 10th, am curruntly 3 weeks into flowering and growth is amazing. though the plant that is growing in the soil looks way better than the three in the hydro set-up. Its straighter, not as spindly and out of control looking, and is...
  6. S

    Brownish-red pistils?

    3 1/2 weeks into flowering just noticed that some of the white pistils st the bud site have turned a redish-brown, and seem to kinda wither. I know that red pistils are normal, but in later stages of flowering. So what could this be? Checked ph, its around 6.5, tho it has been difficult to get...
  7. S

    lighting regimen

    Question: So i am about 3 weeks into my flowering cycle and due to me moving at the end of the month to a different state, i only have 4 more weeks of flowering i can do. I'm worried my plant wont be ripe in time. is there any way to speed up flowering? I heard cutting back the light even more...
  8. S

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Question: So i am about 3 weeks into my flowering cycle and due to me moving at the end of the month to a different state, i only have 4 more weeks of flowering i can do. I'm worried my plant wont be ripe in time. is there any way to speed up flowering? I heard cutting back the light even more...
  9. S

    first grow

    so im about 2 1/2 weeks into flowering of my first grow, i only went with a veg state for about 4 weeks, pllants are good size, tallest is 3 ft. a foot of that grown in just about a week or so. basically looking for any advice on what i could of done better, as you can see in the pics they are...
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    don't know why the pics didn't show, try 2...
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    so this is my first grow, and i just introduced the 12/12 cycle about 8 days ago, they seem to be showing sex already but i just wanted to get some opinions and feedback from you all before i go yanking. Pic one you can see the cluster of "balls" seemingly showing up over night. pretty sure...
  12. S

    overwatering? magnesium deficiency? maybe

    here's some pics of my set-up and leaf progress since monday when i cleaned and changed everything out. Another pic is of the purple in the stem. Looks like there are a couple of leaves i could probably just remove right? New growth seems to be doing fine and they have grown a little in the past...
  13. S

    overwatering? magnesium deficiency? maybe

    Still no new damage that i can see. I just noticed today that the stems on two of them have turned purplish near the top of the plant, the bottom remains a nice helathy green tho, not sure if this was there before. Reading up on potassium deficiencies, this most accuratly describes whats...
  14. S

    overwatering? magnesium deficiency? maybe

    Thanks man, i just changed out my water and even cleaned everything with hydrogen peroxide cuz i thought it might be some sort of mold,(the resevoir was kinda dirty and cluttered) and then flushed the plants with ph balanced water, no nutrients. Unfortunatly, i dont have a TDS meter, can't...
  15. S

    overwatering? magnesium deficiency? maybe

    Ok, i've attached some pics of what's happening to my plants. i have 5 plants in a hydro system and one potted in soil pic #1 is in the hydro and i noticed it started to look limp yesterday, then this morning the leaves started to curl up, a few hours after that i noticed on 3 of the 5 plants...