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  1. Procyon

    Canadian Growers PIctures

    looking good Doc :) i would say a couple more weeks if the weather grants it. i had to harvest 1 of mine a bit early (rain & mold) :-( at least trichromes were like 85% milky, 10% amber, 5% clear. Should be good stuff :lol: but my other ladies are still going strong :cool:
  2. Procyon

    Canada outdoor 2009

    here some bud porn :mrgreen: couple more weeks ... the wait is so agonizing! .. but so worth it :weed: weather also getting a bit better (warmer at night ) Good job to all for your beautiful ladies and keep the pics coming! I'm sure there is more canadians growers out there! Cheers
  3. Procyon

    Canada outdoor 2009

    only 1 is in a pot (call that an experiment lol) . Strangely enough , the one in the pot is the only indica -_- Well as for hard freeze, if i believe statistics, it happens end october - early november. Let's hope so!
  4. Procyon

    Canada outdoor 2009

    @ ib9ub6 smallest is 3-4 foot high and my big momma sativa is about 5 foot. I started them a bit late in the season... but i'm quite happy with the result so far :lol: so here the pics ! #1 is my indica #2 & #3 is big momma sativa :-) #4 & #5 are my other sativa ladies :) Enjoy!
  5. Procyon

    Canada outdoor 2009

    Hey everyone, Just wanted to introduce myself (and also show off my ladies :lol:) got 5 of them and they are all growing well. (4 sativa and 1 indica from what i can tell) Only problem i got is that it is getting pretty cold at night lately (i mean ~50 F) 1 night went as low as 42... At...