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  1. GeneralRedEye

    Hiya Morris, I notice you were very knowledgeable about hydro. I am looking for an aero set up I...

    Hiya Morris, I notice you were very knowledgeable about hydro. I am looking for an aero set up I want to buy and me thinks your the guy to help. I've done allot of organic soil growing and want to make a step up to hydro. I've had my eye on two...
  2. GeneralRedEye

    I'm Going to set up a nice little aero garden 4-5 plant BUT I need help, which to buy

    Right where do I start, I have done allot of organic soil growing and want something with better yield! I don't really know much about hydroponics but I know it is a good idea as I'm closet growing with not allot of time to water. I have my eyes on two systems. If someone could let me know if it...
  3. GeneralRedEye

    Swiss Cheese Strain

    yoo whats going on just ordered a pack of what i think is a unknown gem. from what i have read it is quite a small plant that is good for small spaces peeeeerfect for what i want. Love to hear how it came out!!
  4. GeneralRedEye

    Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare

    hit me up online bro! GeneralRedEye05\
  5. GeneralRedEye

    First Grow! Sealed/Closed Room, 2400 watts, CO2, Mini-Split AC, SmartPots, Dehum!

    I Can't wait to see how it turns out. NICE WORK SUBSCRIBED!
  6. GeneralRedEye

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Try plant magic along with its fertilizers amzing quality. I found it after looking at bud of the month. It was what he used. ONE STOP SHOP FOR EVERYTHING bit more pricey but best quality
  7. GeneralRedEye

    Calling all ganja geniuses!

    will do cheers mate. anything wrong with my grow? I want nice compact buds!
  8. GeneralRedEye

    Calling all ganja geniuses!

    I don't think we have that libitey here in England, they use it where they want. into the attic but i was thinking seeing as it doesn't smell, too aim the exuasted back out of the attic to the secound floor. thanks though, made me feel a lil bit better was thinking of giving the plants away so...
  9. GeneralRedEye

    Calling all ganja geniuses!

    First off I would like to say hello to all and thank you for any help you can give. I need some General advice on my set up. I have a big cupboard with a grow box I made out of chip board which is just over 4f high by 2f wide and 2.4f deep. I kitted it out with 400watt HID (Sun...
  10. GeneralRedEye

    Alright mate, I'm so impressed with your set up! nice to your ENGLISH to. Would love to chat to...

    Alright mate, I'm so impressed with your set up! nice to your ENGLISH to. Would love to chat to someone thats putting all the right things togeather. I was hopeing that you have xbox live? Add me if you do GeneralRedEye05. NICE ONE BRUVA HIT ME BACK!
  11. GeneralRedEye

    Why do Green leaves turn YELLOW??

    If your not using nutes and the lower leaves start to turn yellow, then its a nitrogen difichancy (dislexic). I don't understand why people don't use nutes, even if there organic?? My suggestion for a nut with high N is bat guano from the web cheap and works a treat just make sure you flush the...
  12. GeneralRedEye

    How big should my grow box be??

    What you smoking on
  13. GeneralRedEye

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Looks good and healthy. I have done cfl grows myself and had not nearly as much as with a HPS for flowering. my only tip is to up grade but for your first grow not looking too bad just a bit small for my likeing.
  14. GeneralRedEye

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Cheers bro. what do you think abount 18/6 for veg and 20/4 for flowering?
  15. GeneralRedEye

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    If theres hairs its ready and aready starting to flower and it needs to be at most 60-80 degress but best to be in the 70's. 1 more thing your plant looks rather small to be flowering it could just be the camera angle but it doesn't look like your light is good enough, What set up have you got?
  16. GeneralRedEye

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Ok cheers bro, I'm going to probably play around vegging in 18/6 and flowering in 20/4. What do you think? Keep me posted on what you find!
  17. GeneralRedEye

    How big should my grow box be??

    How do i post pictures lol can't figer it out
  18. GeneralRedEye

    How big should my grow box be??

    how many plants do you have in there?
  19. GeneralRedEye

    Hiya, could you take a look at my thread i have uped my game and want to know what you think of...

    Hiya, could you take a look at my thread i have uped my game and want to know what you think of my e.g filter, light bulbs