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  1. smokythebear


    i will and whats up with cloning the tops i heard of the soda can and cup method but does anyone know any other way every little bit helps thnks
  2. smokythebear


    i have them close when i move them should i seperate them at the risk of ripping the roots or just wate for the males to show and get rid of those
  3. smokythebear


    thnks do u know how old they should be before i can tell male from female
  4. smokythebear


    :joint: alright i have 5 plants out in fertalized soil in a garden i am doing this for the first time and my plants are about 1 and a half feet can u give me some tips to make my plants bud faster withought overloading them with chemicals i am trying to keep this as organic as possible. DONT...