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  1. N

    Mid-Michigan frost dates

    I grew for years above the 45 *.Depending on variety,strain I have finished oct. 11-nov.10.I always start em in march indoors.Exp. has taught me 2-3 days of frost is not a disaster.Any more than that,you can use anything from large trash bags to burlap,even a cotton sheet will work fine.Dont let...
  2. N

    Mid-Michigan frost dates

    I grew for years above the 45 *.Depending on variety,strain I have finished oct. 11-nov.10.I always start em in march indoors.Exp. has taught me 2-3 days of frost is not a disaster.Any more than that,you can use anything from large trash bags to burlap,even a cotton sheet will work fine.Dont let...