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  1. M

    something strange

    thanks guys. i also suspected that was the case. i'll keep an eye on it and have to get that probe. cheers!
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    something strange

    hi all a little help needed again. what you can see on the picture is something that happened to one of my plants. the leaves are just hanging down and seem weak. i have a couple and the rest are fine. they are all on the same feeding schedule and ec levels (1.0). i'm growing in coco and...
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    plants suffering - advice needed - urgent

    thanks for your reply. it was a long time ago but i've been testing it out now with a new nutrient solution and also re-calibrated my ph meter and things seem to be going fine at the moment. just wanted to ask a couple of things how often do you water? how much water do you give them? (i use...
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    watering question

    i've had some issues with my plants and just to make sure i'm on the right track i'd like to ask your opinion on how much water should i give my plants and how often? i don't have an automatic system or dripping system yet. what are your experiences? i'm growing in 12,5L pots and using coco...
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    plants suffering - advice needed - urgent

    hi all, this is my second attempt at growing and i'm starting to experience the same kind of issues as i had with my first grow. i hope you can help me with this. the pictures show my new plants which are 5 weeks since i cloned them and have received 2 weeks 125cfl and 3 weeks of mh. i grow...
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    still problems - advice needed

    so now i've been watering less and they seem to be greener and growing a bit better but as you can see from the pictures when the leaves reach this size they start turning yellow and eventually they die. also the new growth is suffering. i have humidity problems also...i'm not really able to...
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    i'm also using canna products that say the ph should be between 5.2-6.2 so i have it at 5.8 at the moment because my plants are in veg. the problem is that they are suffering and growing slowly and i think i've got ph issues or something else i can't figure out.
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    does anyone have any experiences with these products: my questions are how often to water and which ph works the best? cheers!
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    has anyone got experience with these products: i started using this medium and i was just wondering how often should i water and what ph would be the best. during veg that is. currently i'm using 5.8 water. cheers!
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    still problems - advice needed

    thanks for your thoughts mate. i'll keep the nute levels lower for a while and see what happens. the temp is around 25C and the lamp is quite high up.
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    still problems - advice needed

    these plants were germinated 6 weeks ago and have now been under the 18/6 600w hps for 4 weeks. since then they have also been receiving a good dose of nutrients. per 10L: coco a - 30ml coco b - 30ml rhizotonic - 20 - 30ml cannazym - 20 - 30ml (last two weeks)...
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    light green leaves on a young plant - sulphur?

    this is the status at the moment and i'm getting really worried now. I've been spraying them with fat free milk but i guess it's too early to talk about results. the good news is that the new leaves seem darker green than the previous ones. bad news is that there is more brown now. the NPK' of...
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    light green leaves on a young plant - sulphur?

    so this is the status at the moment all help much appreciated
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    light green leaves on a young plant - sulphur?

    thanks a lot for your help guys. the plants are 4 weeks old. i'm using coco and CANNA products. so far i've only added a light mixture of A & B and Rhizotonic. now the leaves have turned pale and look like low on chlorophyll. one has developed a little bit of brown on the edge of a couple of...
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    light green leaves on a young plant - sulphur?

    page not found i've looked at many of pictures of sick plants but haven't found a similar case yet with such young plants.
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    light green leaves on a young plant - sulphur?

    i started giving my plants nutes 5 days ago. three of them have developed new leaves which are very light green. old leaves haven't changed. possible sulphur deficiency? should I just add more nutes? sorry no pictures at the moment.
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    water PH problem

    thanks for your thoughts guys. i always take the ph before adding nutes to the water and it is at about 7.5 as it is after adding the nutes i.e. it stays the same. i also have an airline in the tank and i also manually stir the water before watering. I guess i need to keep bringing it down...
  18. M

    water PH problem

    i make my nutrient mixture. i measure my ph level in the water and it's usually around 7.5. Then I bring it down to about 6.5 and water my plants. the next day when i measure the PH level in the same mixture it is again at the level of 7.5. should i keep bringing it down or am I not getting...
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    help with light setup

    hey guys...surely you have dealt with this before. any advice?