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  1. W

    First time grow, everyones welcome to post.

    http://C:\Documents and Settings\wayne\My Documents\My Pictures\weed.JPGhow does this plant look using 3 26 watt cfl and they are smell too damn good
  2. W

    First time grow, everyones welcome to post.

    this is my first grow only week 4 in the flowering do my plant look
  3. W

    First Grow Ever - Stealth DIY CFL DWC Auto AK & Fem Big Bud... Help Wanted

    my friend had grew some fat bud from cfl light the same as a hps it all on how you give your plant light that all.i like cfl better than hps it just to much to of a hassle with the ballast.i want something i can just plug up and go