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  1. I

    My First Outdoor Grow, Are They Ready to be Topped/Pinched

    So at the newest node just cut it off with some scissors? Cheers
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    My First Outdoor Grow, Are They Ready to be Topped/Pinched

    Hey guys, this is my first outdoor grow. They're looking healthy but I need to know how to top/pinch them. Here's some photos. cheers :) Ps: The aussie sun is great at the moment :D
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    Fertiliser for seedlings?

    Hey Guys, I currently have my seedlings going strong after less then a week in these pots on my window sill. Just wondering is it too early to give them a mild dose of a liquid fertiliser which says on the packet (Enhances root development and seedling growth) Cheers.
  4. I

    Lucky Me

    Looks great dude! Keep up the nice work and have a good harvest :)
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    Aussie Outdoor 09' 10'

    Hey mate, just germinated my seeds a few days ago and am starting to get the roots coming out of them! Just wondering when they're placed in pots before being planted in the plot do they need to be in potting mix or does good fertile soil do the job? Much appreciated! Aussie Aussie Aussie!