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  1. J

    Clone Roots; to caress or not to caress...that is the question

    hi the name is joe and i have been reading your posts with intrest, i am on the verge of buying an aeroflo 28, but have concerns on if it would be big enough to bring 28 plants to full maturity, or would it be better to grow 14 plants in the 28 plant system, have you any opinions? regards joe
  2. J

    anybody ever grow applejack

    got a grow now, its peng mate, covered in crystals, and pretty big mampy lookin buds, recomend it guy, slight blues smell
  3. J


    hi, i am currently growing 4 plants, that were started in 1" rockwool cubes then when roots were showing i transfered into 3"rockwool cubes, and then put them under the drip and feed system(wilma pot system). i currently have an 8 pot system but decided to grow only 4, anybody tried the full 8...
  4. J


    has anybody used or are using an amazon 8 pot aeroponics system, if so could you please explain how it works from seed to maturity, i would love to try this system as it has good write ups,
  5. J

    yellow tips!!

    the very tips and only tips are gowing yellow, the rest of the plant is fine any suggestions would be welcome