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  1. End420Prohibition

    Sealed Room-Portable AC Don't Mix? Solutions?

    Victory, that's why I'm hitting you guys up because I want to control my environment, and more heads are better than one. I guess I will just keep adding more CO2 to make up for the lost CO2. I don't have the money right now for a ductless and I would be skeptical of them anyway until I see...
  2. End420Prohibition

    Sealed Room-Portable AC Don't Mix? Solutions?

    Ok, I have a sealed room setup for CO2 containment, with my light having it's own input and output air source. I was having temp issues so I got a portable AC(single hose) : ( I didn't realize that the AC sucks air in and blows hot air out as well as cold out so now all my CO2 is getting...
  3. End420Prohibition

    Dropping Acid For The First Time

    Bad trips are bad trips, as long as you don't kill yourself or really mess up your life no big deal cause it's only a matter of time before it's over. I dropped one time and after 12 hours things were still intense and I had to meet my Mom and little sister. She took me to lunch but I couldn't...
  4. End420Prohibition

    Two plants in one!

    Yes, grafting is the term that I couldn't think of, I knew that there was a term for it. The reason that I was thinking about this is for legal reasons. I am limited on plant numbers and was trying to think of a way to get around plant numbers. The idea was that if you got two plants grafted...
  5. End420Prohibition

    Two plants in one!

    This is probably going to sound really stupid, and it's probably not possbile, but I was wondering if anyone had ever tried to take two plants from the same mother and cut a branch off each and tie the ends together to see if they can grow together? I'll probably try it at some point just to...
  6. End420Prohibition

    Best Tab you've taken, GO!

    #1- Mollies- Overall no question the best as far as clean, know what your getting, and overall eye shuttering goodness.(only substance that made me want to be an addict- I had to always tell myself "NO!, you can't roll again for a couple of weeks cause you have to keep this in check like nothing...
  7. End420Prohibition

    Dropping Acid For The First Time

    I think it's just the idea of one is grown naturally while the other is made by someone somewhere with who know what conditions. Don't get me wrong I've done both many times and they can both be really great or bad depending on your trip but now that I'm older I tend to gravitate toward shrooms...
  8. End420Prohibition

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Anyone heard anything or tried the 1000W Sodium/Halide Dual Super Blue Arc Tube as opposed to the regular 1000W HPS? PM if you can also cause I am so many places on RIU that I don't know that I will remember to come back and check. That darn short term memory.
  9. End420Prohibition

    How to build Ebb n Gro Tutorial DIY

    While we are waiting, I was wondering what you bubble heads thought about adding an air stone and a drip like style hose like the bubbleponics systems to this system. I know that the flood and drain are used to feed but maybe the roots and growth rate could benefit in the first four weeks with...
  10. End420Prohibition

    How to build Ebb n Gro Tutorial DIY

    Been waiting for this man. Thanks!
  11. End420Prohibition

    3 600 w hps, or 9 250w hps?

    He doesn't print it, he grows it! Ha Ha.
  12. End420Prohibition

    Do you 12/12 from seed or 18/6 +rep for vote and post

    Has anyone actually experimented with 24/0 and 18/6 for veg with the same strain within relatively controlled systems and gotten explicit yield/quality/time differences? It just seems like there have to be some people out there that have been doing this for a while and have experimented with...
  13. End420Prohibition

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Nice lighting posts, very informative.