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  1. stonernickvta

    Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponics

    Thats a good idea for insulating, im gonna get some of that tape. Im gonna put a frozen water bottle in my res too cause i have 2 airstones so it should keep it circulated like u said... I noticed a slight red mark on one of my fan leaves i think it might be rust, so i drained my tank and put...
  2. stonernickvta

    Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponics

    My grow tent wasn't ventilating properly in the beginning and the temp was getting to the high 80's so i know the res water was getting hot.. If i drain a gallon of water and add a fresh gallon of cold water will that mess anything up?
  3. stonernickvta

    Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponics

    I just got the SH 6 planter kit, i put in 4 clones ranging from 5"to 7". I used a half pack of grow nutes and a half pack of micro when i first put them in... Its been 3 days and i added the second half of nutes earlier. Ive noticed a couple of leaves have started to curl upward. Did i overfeed...
  4. stonernickvta

    Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

    Hey Roseman, Hey i purchased the bubbleponics complete system after reading about all the benefits as opposed to building my own set up... I ordered the system like 10 days ago and i have not received a shipping # or any other info... Should i be worried? Also, i live...