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  1. C

    First grow, first forum

    I have made lots of changes to my operation, with stealth in mind. Also I think I may only have about a month left to go on my two beauties. Pics later on tonight.
  2. C

    First grow, first forum

    Thanks for the feedback guys, and to answer the fan leaf question: yes I did trim most of the fan leaves off (seemed like if I did that, the plant would focus more on the actual buds). So let me ask the experts their opinion on my ladies... my two plants that seem to be budding faster, have...
  3. C

    Palmdales 150w hps grow Sweettooth, Hindu Kush

    eh, not in the journal section.. my first thread ever (called first forum, first grow) has some pictures of my ladies though.
  4. C

    First grow, first forum

    Just thought I'd add a couple of other pictures... can't wait for the bud on the mature plant to really fill out.:weed:
  5. C

    Palmdales 150w hps grow Sweettooth, Hindu Kush

    Looks good man. I started mine from bagseed, and am also using a 150w HPS light. I have four flowering right now, with one far more mature than the others. Ready to see more pics! and Good luck homie!
  6. C

    First grow, first forum

    Thanks for the replies guys. I will post some more pics if I can snap some cool shots tonight. I am thinking of taking the tin foil down all together. When researching on the internet I found mixed reviews on using foil to reflect light, but I decided I would give it a whirl. I have a question...
  7. C

    First grow, first forum

    The three plants that aren't as developed as the one in the corner were actually outside experiments that a buddy of mine tried. He brought them to me with small yellow leaves, and I was sure that they were going to die (one did..) but they survived and I decided to keep them!
  8. C

    First grow, first forum

    Whats up guys!? This is my first forum to ever join, along with my first grow! I am a college student in southern Georgia with limited funds, just seeing how hard/easy is is to cultivate marijuana. My entire setup was less than $150, my 150w hps light being the most expensive part ($87 on ebay)...