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  1. K

    Elephant Bud

    Jasper I have a 10 inch carbon filter, with silencer venting into the roof cavity and I will be putting a 45 Watt ozone generator into the roof space once I start the new tent. I am an old Ozzie, 65 plus,so I dont do pics, the internet is the limit of my capabilities, but what a wonderful...
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    Elephant Bud

    Good range of freebies, but I dont have room for many extra plants, I have to erect a new tent for the elephant as it is, I will most likely give the freebies to my son, he lives in a warmer climate zone, easier to grow there kama52
  3. K

    Elephant Bud

    I bought five 300 watt , and six 90 watt satelites, one is a 100% blue, for clones. I got them from 2 different suppliers in Schenzen, I tried various combinations, but they did not have the punch of MH/HPS They worked great in the mother room, and for rooted clones. Lately I am watching...
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    Elephant Bud

    Doc I made no comment as to the validity of BCs claims, or he strain in general. My comment was to note how people with no money want to whinge and critisize those who do have money to indulge ourselves. The enjoyment is in doing what we want,and no amouint of envy from the knockers on...
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    Elephant Bud

    Sometimes I really wondwer about people? If they have no money, tough luck, why critize those that do?? If it was a clone most people will gladly pay $50, yet they whinge when someone else spends their own money to get the good thingts in life kama52
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    vertical growing

    Jigfresh Dont waste your money on LEDs, I am out $5K, tried a few 300Watt LEDS, then several 90Watts, to spread the light. At best mediocre performance in veg, and spindly buds in flower. Maybe in a few years they will improve, but not much good now kama52
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Plain envelope, wrapped in neatly folded 3 or 4 pages from a store brochure, highly unlikely to be found. I have gotten seeds through Customs with all their checks, never lost one yet kama52
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I know the claim are exagerated, but I am after yeild, and their claim on Big Bud is exactly what I am getting, I will keep you posted. For me its a long process, have to grow a full cycle, and at $60 a seed, I will let one go to seed, and clone from another, and grow the remaining females...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I got 10 seeds in from BC Seeds, Canada. They only accept cash by mail, no email contact, so I expected a rip off, but the product descriptiion was brilliant I posted cash, got a confirmation email a week later, and...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I wont be a know all, I prefer to watch, I have read all of Al Bs SOG thread, and the Harvest every 2 weeks, learnt heaps. As for current drawn by lights, its easy, for each 100 watts, the lamp draws .4amps, so a 400 draws 1.6amps, a 600 watt draws 2.4 amps, and a 1000 draws 4 amps, As for...
  11. K

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Can just anyone join this thread. I am an old guy (65)from Melbourne, been growing since I discovered Hydro in the 80s I learn something new every day from RIU kama52