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    Age's 2nd grow

    Got one really good one... Got sort of lazy and its been getting chilly outside. Think they got cold. few more weeks.. Took a sample, tasted good already and got me pretty ripped. Thinking i"ll chop the "queen" soon and let the others finish.
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    Age's 2nd grow

    3rd week on 12/12.. looking fucking tasty.
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    Age's 2nd grow

    Now we're getting somewhere.....
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    Age's 2nd grow

    two outsiders were fucking males... gonna be a small grow. from now on I'm growing feminized shit only.. paying for the seeds is worth it in the end... got another spot to start some new shit... any seeds to recommend would be great.. feeling like I can take on some Kush as a project now.. 2nd...
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    Would you call the cops if you had a couple of plants stolen

    umm, unless you have a card... keep your mouth shut, what are you, stupid?
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    Age's 2nd grow

    Here we go!!
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    Age's 2nd grow

    still having Ph Issues. Major fucking bummer... Think I finally got it dialed in... Also, thinking the basement is too cold... Falls coming and I'll be turning on the furnace soon.. Gonna be really dry and cool (75°F)... Soil is constantly dry from the AC running.. I think I'll be okay soon...
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    Age's 2nd grow

    Hi everyone, I might add that I'm still smoking the shit off my previous grow, really stoned ATM.. Here's a link to my 1st grow. A thread I posted w\ questions, and I'm thankful for all the responses. Think I've...
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    Need experts adivce.......

    4-5 weeks. They have 5' of grow room before the heat from the light will burn them.
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    Need experts adivce.......

    yeah, they're loving it... 3 middle's have only been in soil for 2 weeks. Started far right up last week, and the far left was planted last night after germ... Had a group of seeds that just wouldn't sprout... Not much too look at now, but they'll catch up on flower.. Looking forward to 12\12...
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    Need experts adivce.......

    New setup is going\growing. On Veg.. Same light, less heat, more vertical room to grow. Keep you all updated as the girls progress. 3 middle's are Blackjack, two outsiders are WW\Ice... Girls hear me pounding drums all the time since they're in the basement. Plenty of jams to sway too in...
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    Need experts adivce.......

    well, the grow didnt turn out to be all that dank... It was some seriously good shit, but nothing like it should have been.. I ended up chopping em really early :( Really good head high, but lacked almost all body unless you smoked after about 4-5 beers. Starting up again in a sickening...
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    Need experts adivce.......

    Chopped one.... Other two fit in the Trunk of my car in the Garage. They're back under their Sun :) 2nd largest bud. 1st is, well umm, I dunno... Lets just say I couldnt resist and had to have a taste. Tried...
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    Need experts adivce.......

    Chopped one.... Other two fit in the Trunk of my car in the Garage. 2nd largest bud. 1st is, well umm, I dunno... Lets just say I couldnt resist and had to have a taste. Tried and holy shit! I dont know...
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    Need experts adivce.......

    Yeah, was thinking the same thing. Gonna have to hide them in my Car thats in the Garage with a car cover over it. Shit, they're gonna get cold! Nothing like stressing the hell out of your plants 2-3 weeks away from harvesting. :-(
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    Need experts adivce.......

    Its 10°F outside. I think they'll die in no time leaving them outside in this weather. At least in the attic, i can set up some sort of tent, with a little heater while the house is getting appraised.
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    Need experts adivce.......

    I think 3 weeks tops would put me at photo 3. I have about another 2 months here. But, people will start coming to see the house in hopefully a month or so. They should be done by then.
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    Need experts adivce.......

    well, their site says 9-11 weeks. Thats gonna cut it REALLY close :(
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    Need experts adivce.......

    Well, I'm a long time reader, and this is my second or third post.. Have 3 plants that have been on 12\12 for about 5 weeks. Ones from some REALLY bad bag seed (figured i'd see if I could grow it better then it was), the other 2 are Blackjack seeds from Nirvana. Plants are in Soil, and havent...
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    Lighting question.

    see here......