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  1. J

    How much does it take YOU do get high?

    Same here. When I get an eighth, now, I smoke for the first two nights, maybe three, then finish it off every other day or so. Just so it has the same effect.
  2. J

    How much does it take YOU do get high?

    Yeah, I see. I used to build up a tolerance after smoking 1 1/2 bowls a night for 4 nights. It's not to fun on the 5th night. You still get buzzed and have fun, but DEFINATELY not as much as the first night, for sure.
  3. J

    Did You Know.. ?

    Lol, that's random. You stoned? hahaha
  4. J

    How much does it take YOU do get high?

    Everyone's body is different. I'm bored, so how much does it take you to get high as a kite? haha For me, it's 1-2 bowls, but it also depends how much of a tolerance I've built up. Don't smoke TOO often, but whatever :weed: *EDIT* Sorry, I meant *to* get high in the title, haha. My typing...