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  1. R

    All my veg probs in 1 thread

    lol not my site but google is a powerfull thing in the hands of the brave
  2. R

    All my veg probs in 1 thread

    this has helped me over the times skunk diagnostics
  3. R

    Little fukin bugs

    lol not seen a jumping fuck but dont sound like a good thing to have bouncing round your investment
  4. R

    Little fukin bugs

    not sure but worth a try meaning if you dont get rid your plants are as good as dead the worst part is its a slow and long death i have actualy read up and most people just burn there crop bit extream i think but every one to there own i guess good luck
  5. R

    Little fukin bugs

    a stab in the dark id say probably spider mites i had them before try'd some spider mite predators bought from ebay they didnt work then used some spray called spider mite control natural insect eliminator £15 but it worked Spidermite Control - Pesticide Free, Safe, Effective Control - has...
  6. R

    Need help fast!

    hi im only new myself but even the pros are still learning i think on my 3rd grow now just 3 plants each time < hobby grow > but iv had around 8 seedlings fall over prop up and leaves just dry and die never worked out why its happening i just start again take the ruff with the smooth no...
  7. R

    help sexing plant please

    shit thought so thanks pal i have 3 under a 150 watt envirolite and a 200watt halide gives them a steady kick in the ass going to go light a fire thanks again gutted she i mean he was my best looking for crop size
  8. R

    help sexing plant please

    hi please help 2 days into flower and thinking iv got a male just after a second opinion or 2 before i burn it please help
  9. R

    A beginners guide to indoor growing

    im on my 1st grow thought i was just having a play around. now 3 week into flower and around £450 shorter but lernt a lot about plants and how thay survive . (i can even grow plant in my garden now) and that is a accomplishments everything i used to touch turned to dust but not now love this...
  10. R

    no problems just thought i would show my 1st grow

    thanks its either a white rhino or African (im unsure as he has both growing and he didnt keep) track i got from a friend as a clone he had going for 2 weeks rooting then i adopted her this is week 2 of veg i thought from taking a clone from soil to hydro i would have problems but non so far if...
  11. R

    no problems just thought i would show my 1st grow

    like i say im 100% noob just geting my head round growing will pay more attention next post sorry again
  12. R

    no problems just thought i would show my 1st grow

    like i say no problems just thought i would show my 1st grow week 1 of veg 24hr light on hydro flood setup was a 100% noob and still am (experience wise) lernt loads from the net this site especially i tell a lye my 1st attempt turned out to be male i think at week 2 veg so dropped all and toke...