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  1. StonerSteveo

    Ventilation questions

    Keep it simple!
  2. StonerSteveo

    Spidermites... WWIII

    Just use cold water ! Spider mites are less than 1 mm in size and vary in color. They lay small, spherical, initially transparent eggs and many species spin silk webbing to help protect the colony from predators; they get the 'spider' part of their common name from this webbing. Hot, dry...
  3. StonerSteveo

    High rayray!?maybe????????????StonerSteveo pass it back if i got ya! It's leagle Now!in 21...

    High rayray!?maybe????????????StonerSteveo pass it back if i got ya! It's leagle Now!in 21 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. StonerSteveo

    Spidermites... WWIII

    :wall:it dont work! basterds started sucking on the spider balls(fuck!)
  5. StonerSteveo

    Spidermites... WWIII

    Has anyone herd of Osage orange's ?(softball sized fruit lime green)you just site it in corners of room they are sed to keep spiders and bugs away! but no good scientific proof. I have been over run with spider mites and I'm back in control for now but I'm going to try the Osage orange to get...
  6. StonerSteveo

    High All !

    :blsmoke:High All StonerSteveo is my name growing big fat sticky buds is my game! grew up in Michigan found my sister's plants ! fell in love :weed:with that stinky weed! my Dad was good at taking my crop out of his fields (Don't no how he found that shit? he was good!) but now 30 years latter I...
  7. StonerSteveo

    how do you make co2????????

    Just make some wine!1 gal H2o-2 cups sugar -1 pack yeast ,well get you 12 cf.of co2 per 24 hrs .you can use wet active carbon the same stuff used for stink control(wet carbon takes the o2 out,dry carbon well scrub out the co2.
  8. StonerSteveo

    What size fan & scrubber for a 10x10 room

    Well you should exchange your air in less then five min's,some fans have a C F M( cubic feet min,s)my box is 6x9 and i have a furnace1200 cmf fan going to a carbon filter 2'x2'x5' with 2 layers of filter air filter 1'' 2" of carbon then 1 foot space air filter 1" 2" carbon 2- 6" holes blow out...
  9. StonerSteveo

    Hiding the smell

    there's lots or carbon filters designs on line. search (marijuana carbon filters )you can get carbon at pet stores ,for fish water filters. you can jerry rig something up for 35 bucks or so.