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  1. possumjeep

    First grow just for fun

    Looked in on my little lady and it looks like Ill be able to switch to 12/12 maybe next week
  2. possumjeep

    First grow just for fun

    Ill be happy no matter what I dont smoke the stuff so if I get a female Ill probably just harvest it cure it and give it all away to my friends that do
  3. possumjeep

    First grow just for fun

    Thanks Yeah the 400 W MH does seem a little big for a just for fun grow but it was sonting that I had available to me for free so I figured why not
  4. possumjeep

    First grow just for fun

    Heres the last pic I have for now this was taken today its a nice side shot you can see the two 40 watt flouros in the background and you can tell that there is more light from above lIm thinking about topping her but Im not sure where and Im worried about doing it right now with the little...
  5. possumjeep

    First grow just for fun

    Ok so Im into this now about 4 and a half weeks to date and Ive got my lady planted in a mixture of perlite vermiculite and peat moss in equal portions and she seems to be growing great Ive been feeding with Shulz 20-30-20 all purpose plant food mixed at 1/3 strenght to start with and I...
  6. possumjeep

    First grow just for fun

    So Ive been meaning to do this for a while now but I never seem to have the time to do all the typing needed but here goes This is my fist grow ever I started with just doing a LOT of reading then some more reading then I talked to a few of my friends and got some bagseed for nothing 7...
  7. possumjeep

    party full of cops... should i go??

    As long as your Lady friend doesent know what you grow in your spare time I say go and have a good time just relax and stay sober so that there are no accidental slips of the toung
  8. possumjeep

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    Would vibration isolater mounts for automotive use would work well to cutt down vibration niose. I got some spares from when I bought an MSD box that Im gonna try and mount my exhast fan on
  9. possumjeep

    Planning my first grow and looking for advice

    nope they are gonna be in the "box" from start to finish
  10. possumjeep

    Planning my first grow and looking for advice

    Im planning to start my first grow in a few days and Im looking for advice on what little things to watch out for the plan (so far) : 2 x 4 x 7 box painted white on the inside and lined in the bottom with plastic to keep spills in layer of styrofoam in the bottom about 2 inches thick so...
  11. possumjeep

    80 plant grow room - ADVICE?

    He must be canadian only canadians call the Electric bill a hydro bill :weed:
  12. possumjeep

    Whats the magic number

    I was going to buy feminized seeds from a company in Europe but I know a couple ppl around the area that might be willing to either give or sell me a few clone babys so I could go either way probably go with the clones just because it takes one step away
  13. possumjeep

    80 plant grow room - ADVICE?

    Im a complete noob to but it would seem to me that 80 plants in say and 8 x 10 room about right how would you care for the girls eg water them feed them trim them and all the other things that they need you need to be able to get into the room and move about a little
  14. possumjeep

    Whats the magic number

    thanks for the Input yup exhast will go outside directly and Im considering an activated charcoal filter to control the smell What about numer of plants Im considering 6 plants wich is a little less than SOG at 1 plant per squar foot maybe Ill top them to bush em out a bit and fill...
  15. possumjeep

    Whats the magic number

    I should also mention that the grow area that I have to use is about 2 x 4 x six feet tall
  16. possumjeep

    Whats the magic number

    I am planning on using a 400 wat HPS up to and two T8 flouresents mounted up and down on each side so six in all with the walls painted white or maybe lined with tin foil dull side out putting a fan on the side at the top hooked to a thermostat set for about 75 degrees I think Im going to...
  17. possumjeep

    Whats the magic number

    So Assuming your not a "damn fool" Wat does extra bushyness and longer branch length do for you?
  18. possumjeep

    Whats the magic number

    Sounds easy enough so I can veg till my plants are about 2.5 to three feet tall and then flower from there sweet
  19. possumjeep

    Whats the magic number

    Ok Im new I know it and thats why Im here ... for help I plan on doing my first indor grow with flouresent light in a closet in my basement other than fertilizer and water and temp these are easy things to figure out whats the magic number for growth time ive read that ppl are veging...
  20. possumjeep

    Hello all

    Hi Im here Im sick of whats available in this town ti smoke and sick of the availability Doesent anybody know how to cure anything anymore So Im here gonna learn how to grow my own I guess Ill be askin lots of questions planning on a small stealth box in the basement