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  1. C

    Few questions

    Hah, yea, but thanks the advice. I've never grown before so I have little idea on when to start. But I'm pretty excited on that grow. Can't wait to taste that bud. :)
  2. C

    Few questions

    I live in Florida, so it doesn't get much colder than 60 degrees during the winter, but it's still warm even in November. The thing I'm concerned about it the amount of sunlight. But hopefully everything will come out alright, and if not, then it's not a huge loss since I just used some seeds...
  3. C

    Few questions

    Alright, and I'll be growing outside so I won't be using lights, obviously. And okay, so should I just keep them separated from the start or just separate them once I start flowering them? These plants will be in pots too so it wouldn't be hard to move them at any time. And another...
  4. C

    Few questions

    Alright, so I just started growing a couple of days ago. I picked out about 20 seeds for a half o I got a couple of days ago and decided to plant them. I've been doing research ever since and have no idea how to determine whether or not a plant is female. Also, I heard that you have to separate...