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  1. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    I doubt that the economy will turn around very fast even if Obama gets elected it will take YEARS to get this country back on track No one can in 1 term Unless your Chuck Norris or your last name is Christ LOL BACK TO McCAIN When you graduate 894th out of a class of 899, eventually...
  2. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Growing 'tent cities' blamed on foreclosure crisis - CANT AFFORD YOUR MORTGAGE ANYMORE DUE TO SHITTY ECONOMY AND DISAPPEARING JOBS ...... MOVE TO............. Tent cities !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMERICA FUCK YEAH!!!!!! LOL USA USA USA
  3. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    or never heard of China A.K.A Bank of America P.S I recently bought a U.S Flag to put out on my deck during Holidays Made in China...... sickening, If I would of known I would never get it.
  4. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Who ever thinks our economy is strong just came to this country from Zimbabwe or wasn't alive in the 90s.
  5. trafik

    Tupac Shakur: Resurrection

    Actually MTV or VH1 just called him the most over rated rapper ever.... yeah I know ( same reaction when I heard them say it ) 2 PAC had PASSION in his rap that's what carried his flow and his lyrics his songs where filled with emotions and that's what made it great. But lyrics where...
  6. trafik

    What is the best vaporizer?

    thanks, let me know your first impression when you get it.
  7. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    I could just turn around and tell you to keep sucking the nipple on Keith Olbermann????? ( any questions ) Really stupid shit to say to a 68 yo dude on a weed forum not cool He was getting laid when you where in your dads balls Who's nipple do you prefer to you suck ...
  8. trafik

    Tupac Shakur: Resurrection

    2 Pac is dead sorry , wanted to contribute but couldn't
  9. trafik

    Who else can't stand rap/hip-hop?

    every type of music sucks every type of music rocks I don't like country but like Johnny Cash I love Rap but not Lil Wayne for example. You cant bash a whole genre but I will say that RADIO = GARBAGE I usually don't expect older people to like the whole hip hop thing But they cant...
  10. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    I just want her debates to start , I hope that she gets a lot of media coverage I PRAY TO GOD SHE STARTS TAKING QUESTIONS FROM PEOPLE Let it all come out........ and she better not have a ear piece you need the stupid to ooze out of somewhere ***** no more rant in me, I'm done FUN...
  11. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    but let us pray that we are on God's side on the war? God picks sides sarah ? NO NO NO NO Palin "I would never presume to know God's will or to speak God's words. But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that's a repeat in my comments, was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or...
  12. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Him kicking the bucket and making Palin pres is best case scenario so its alright with me that's hes old :razz: WOW Palin as president , this is were everyone hopes McCain DOESN'T die if elected president!! Palin is like a joke that's more sad then funny People who are so Religiously...
  13. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Dose anyone know of any country or any country leader that is PRO McCain ( I know they can't really pick sides but the French made it clear and its not that hard to tell country by country) Who is in the international McCain fan base? Obviously a big majority of the WORLD is pro...
  14. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    I don't know how you brain functions at McCain's age But I know the average life expectancy for white males in America is 75 PALIN LIVES ON WHAT USE TO BE RUSSIA LOL PALIN = BEST THAT REPUBLICANS CAN DO? I am a centralist but even Democrats know REPUBLICANS CAN DO BETTER...
  15. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    If the idiots of America give McSame two Terms like they gave Bush ( only in America ) He will be 80 That should be illegal ILLEGAL!!!! TO ME
  16. trafik

    What is the best vaporizer?

    AroMed unlike the Volcano dose NOT have forced air ( like when the volcano filling up the bag) so you only receive the vapor (THC) when you inhale/suck I believe this is how it goes Volcano Set Temp >Temp Reached>Vaporization Starts>Forced Air fills bag with vapor AroMed Set Temp >Temp...
  17. trafik

    What is the best vaporizer?

    I don't know how important water filtration is after vaporizing ( minimal probably and some research suggests that a bit of THC is left in water in case of bongs ) but its a little extra that sell me over ( I just like it ) no bags so that's a plus
  18. trafik

    What is the best vaporizer?

    Volcano is the preference Anything "Medical Grade" is good when buying vapes
  19. trafik

    I'm voting for McCain....

    Unless you like Plane and McSame Ice Cream Your alternative is the flavor in favor But then again who likes old ice cream anyway Things usually tend to go bad close to expiration date like people LOL HAHAHAHAHA
  20. trafik

    What is the best vaporizer?

    welcome to the Congo........ ( is there even a Congo in Bolivia ) or am I living a lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!