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  1. M

    I hope it's not a both asking for suggestions. I apprecaite you taking time to help. All is good...

    I hope it's not a both asking for suggestions. I apprecaite you taking time to help. All is good with the "girls", i hope! I just ordered 2 - 120mm @ 150cfm each...That should help. I tested my 150w hps and temp rose to 91, but w/new fans, could lower it alot. I'm keeping lid cracked too, it...
  2. M

    Thanks for the info! I'm agree with the tubes, wont b using them for now. the blotches are doing...

    Thanks for the info! I'm agree with the tubes, wont b using them for now. the blotches are doing fine. no yellow tips, anything, they look really healthy. I FIM'd them last night. We'll see if it helps. So, you suggest a noob to Scrog them? I got a good couple of 2"x2" screens...When should I...
  3. M

    Wish i was stoned! No job, will b tested. waiting til harvest. as a noob, having issues with...

    Wish i was stoned! No job, will b tested. waiting til harvest. as a noob, having issues with posting...may be duped here. so, here is the status: 85 day/78 nite. plants at 5"/ 2 wks in. lst'ing them now. some showing blk/dark blotches on lower leaves, most likely over watering, right? Can't b...
  4. M

    i'm so stoked you wrote back! Everything's great. Except a litl too much h20. leaves w/ blk/dark...

    i'm so stoked you wrote back! Everything's great. Except a litl too much h20. leaves w/ blk/dark blotches & curling under. Using FF Ocean. So h20 is issue, right? Stats- Tmp 86 dy/78 nite. 5-23w cfl 2 24w floro. 2 botl- Yeast,sugr, h20, right? doesn't intakes blow c02 out? Trans 3 days ago...
  5. M

    Fishdog, I'm nubee & an avid reader of yours..GREAT Shit!...I dig your design & copying it...

    Fishdog, I'm nubee & an avid reader of yours..GREAT Shit!...I dig your design & copying it nearly 100%. Phenom stealth op & functionality. I'm in process of assembly & have some ?? I'm working w/ 2 or 3 plants, I've got 1 DemiFem, 3 Chez, 2 Happy Outdr 2 wks grown, 4 leaves each...So, my ????'s...