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  1. silversurfer210

    Texans Follow me ! ! !

    nice read: EL PASO — The year was 1969, and as suburban American teenagers explored the exotic possibilities of the $10 lid — about an ounce of marijuana, seeds, stems and all — Vietnam vets were coming home as addicts and inner cities were being hit by heroin epidemics. In June that...
  2. silversurfer210

    Cali Kush 1st Grow

    nice grow keeping track
  3. silversurfer210

    i may be a newbie and im gonna show how easy it is to grow

    Did people grow indoors before HID'S, CFL'S and all the latest technology and growing know how? Think so...
  4. silversurfer210

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    enjoy jail...if u get nabbed its gonna be very costly. they will hold you till they bleed you and whatever friends, family you have dry then kick you out of country.
  5. silversurfer210

    Hiding the smell

    funny link get a scrubber or get new roomies
  6. silversurfer210

    When Will Texas Fall in With Cali ?

    Another session of debates about the pros/cons of DECRIMINALIZING NOT LEGALIZING is not far off. It wont happen becaue anyone thins its a good thing to do, just way too many courts are backloggged and probation system is flooded with serious felons to have to deal with the amazing amount of non...
  7. silversurfer210

    I'm down in TX just retired here....not too bad, def different than when I was young...

    I'm down in TX just retired here....not too bad, def different than when I was young. Circumstances MADE me look into growing my own...still trying to decide which way to go. I consider myself pretty savvy so nothing I have seen or read makes me think I can't have some success. Think I am...
  8. silversurfer210

    Nothin much... just doing some reading for a few minutes. Great site with lots of...

    Nothin much... just doing some reading for a few minutes. Great site with lots of info.....maybe too much. Us old folks like things straight forward and simple haha
  9. silversurfer210

    When Will Texas Fall in With Cali ?

    I'm here to stay and can't see it happening any time soon...think gambling will get the nod long before MJ is legal. Hell took them years to be okay with lottery. On the upside getting pinched is no big deal anymore, max is 3 to 4 hours to see a judge, ROR bond (worse part is they like to...
  10. silversurfer210

    Best Console Game To Play High

    Rachet and Clank...straight blow shit up and keep runnin
  11. silversurfer210

    Home made cfl fixture

    sweet...been looking for something along this design for my top light in a stealth cab...
  12. silversurfer210

    just one old man to another...whats good

    just one old man to another...whats good
  13. silversurfer210

    My WalMart Active Carbon Scrubber

    not bad...rigged the new febreze air filter the same way...dont need one as big as your set up but if I ever do....haha
  14. silversurfer210

    any advice for secret grow?

    bad idea to grow and put other at risk...agreed that there is so much to read, research and learn to keep you busy till you can grow OUTDOORS not in the closet next to dear ol mom
  15. silversurfer210 to RIU glad to see a few from SA...hope to soon post a thread of my own, still... to RIU glad to see a few from SA...hope to soon post a thread of my own, still figuring it all out
  16. silversurfer210

    HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..

    Had a similar issue...we settled on my very own "man cave" out back.