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  1. tallnskinny

    How Much Longer For These Girls?

    thanks man, i am just hoping there is enough time left for them both to reach their maximum potential
  2. tallnskinny

    How Much Longer For These Girls?

    im extremely sorry my thread dragged you in and made you read it,i thought the question was rather valid considering this is my first grow and i was just looking for a little direction.i apologize for my ignorance. to everyone else who replied,thank you
  3. tallnskinny

    How Much Longer For These Girls?

    also, the second plants tichs are pretty much all milky with a few clear ones here and there
  4. tallnskinny

    How Much Longer For These Girls?

    how much longer until these two plants are ready for harvest? the first is about 6 or 7 weeks into flower the second is about 8 weeks in
  5. tallnskinny

    My first two plants

    a few pics from this morning
  6. tallnskinny

    My first two plants

    i would like too know too,i know the potted plant came from some very delicious mj ,and already reeks just like the bud it came from : )
  7. tallnskinny

    My first two plants

    thanks man,yes the top one is regs
  8. tallnskinny

    My first two plants

    here is the taller plant's top cola here is the potted plant how they lookin?
  9. tallnskinny

    Mixing Buds vs Breeding

    i love mixing good buds,i feel like i get to combine the two highs..or however many different types you pack in the bowl ha.
  10. tallnskinny

    My first two plants

    eh,fuck it
  11. tallnskinny

    gots to brag! Best seeds I could find for me, pain man.

    Congrats,cant wait to see some budz
  12. tallnskinny

    in the 803 area columbia, sc

    meet me in the alley behind the 7-11 in 15 minutes,cool?
  13. tallnskinny

    My first two plants

    and i was really anxious to taste,i'm not gonna lie
  14. tallnskinny

    My first two plants

    they were starting to get covered by the upper branches anyway,they haven't gotten much bigger in a while.
  15. tallnskinny

    How much will these 2 plants yeild please help!!!

    why does it even matter? you can make guesses all day but it wont matter until you pluck it.
  16. tallnskinny

    My first two plants

    just chopped off the botton two branches so the top will produce more,there was a little bit of doesn't really smell at all,but looks pretty crystally in the are some pics
  17. tallnskinny

    Snowdawg (Chemdawg x Super Skunk) Close-ups

    mmmmmm, delicious nugs
  18. tallnskinny

    i want to know all about lsd

    i know flashbacks are a possibility, i meant more along the lines of "make you stupid". like those commercials for pot,where if you take a hit you wont get into college or something haha, but for acid. i've done 4 hits(2 trips) and i was wondering if i should never do it again, or maybe wait a...
  19. tallnskinny

    i want to know all about lsd

    does acid have long term effect on your brain? i have done it before but am sort of hesitant to do more because it seems like it could slow you down. is that true?
  20. tallnskinny

    My first two plants

    ya,the little one had a lot of problems with bugs when it was still little. i have read about small plants like this that end up being covered in resin,i guess i will find out.