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  1. His.Royal.Freshness

    Mangle'd plants of mine

    Alright so what does this have to do with my plant problem....
  2. His.Royal.Freshness

    Mangle'd plants of mine

    Yea, will do...
  3. His.Royal.Freshness

    Mangle'd plants of mine

    It was entiraly root bound within a 1 gallon pot. and I tansplanted about a 1 and a half weeks ago. Just started using AN's micro, gro, bloom This week, and only have acctualy watered with it once. During groth in the 1 gallon pot I had used superthrive at every watering.
  4. His.Royal.Freshness

    Mangle'd plants of mine

    It also looked like a few pollen sacks were open. Could my bitches be knocked up?
  5. His.Royal.Freshness

    Mangle'd plants of mine

    Alright so check this shit out, This plant you see here is exactly 6 weeks old, and is most definatly male. I however am wondering how this is possable. The plant is in a 3.5 gallon pail and is not yet even a foot tall. I have had this bitch under a 1000w hps since birth on 24/7, and so I do not...
  6. His.Royal.Freshness

    Check my new homemade bong

    See, the thing is: plastic isn't bad unless your accually melting the plastic it's self. Which in this case, my friend made sure no plastic was able to be melted, hence no plastic smoke.
  7. His.Royal.Freshness

    Abnormaly rootbound?

    This mystery has been solved. So it turns out the real problem here was only my poor book learnin's. (I must have meant 2 litres)
  8. His.Royal.Freshness

    Abnormaly rootbound?

    Yea, I get that. So what the fuck is wrong with the plants then.
  9. His.Royal.Freshness

    Abnormaly rootbound?

    Check that shit out.
  10. His.Royal.Freshness

    Abnormaly rootbound?

    Give me a minite, I will show you how root bound that bitch is.
  11. His.Royal.Freshness

    Abnormaly rootbound?

    And that picture has alot of value to me. It is an image of my first time ever being baked. BTW my hair is actualy very clean, I just look like a greassy asshole because of how high I was..... And still am.
  12. His.Royal.Freshness

    Abnormaly rootbound?

    I flipped it upside down, took it out of the pot, and saw the rootbound.
  13. His.Royal.Freshness

    Abnormaly rootbound?

    How often should I be transplanting? I'v been told, Whenever its rootbound. Alright so my plant is now 4 weeks old and within the last 2 weeks it has become root bound in a 2 gallon pot. Below are 2 images of my plant. I am going to transplant into a 5 gallon pot. I am wondering if this is...
  14. His.Royal.Freshness

    Wavy Yellowing leaves

    I said Q-RAY damnit, Q-RAY!
  15. His.Royal.Freshness

    Pics of Space from the repaired Hubble Telescope

    Fuck YES! Astronomy is the shit! A Friend of mine stole the national geographic encyclopedia of space from school for my birthday. Best present ever. It amazes me when people ask stupid questions like "do you believe life exists outside of earth?" Of course it does man. Just think about it...
  16. His.Royal.Freshness

    Wavy Yellowing leaves

    Alright man, I have the solution to your problem. SuperTHRIVE. Just use the recomended dose at all of your waterings and everything should be alright. Nobody knows quite exactly how this shit works or infact what it does, but everyone guarentees It will do a great deal of work on your plants...
  17. His.Royal.Freshness

    Could my plants die?

    Alright, so I first would like to point out that I know this thread Is fucking retarded, but I also believe that It is absolutly nessesary to understand If I am/ or will be fucking my plants up. A horid group beasts that provide absolutly no purpose in its existance, known as spiders seem to...
  18. His.Royal.Freshness

    Check my new homemade bong

    yea "the honey bear". Friend made it for me, dunno where he got the idea. Impressively it has some of the smothest hits Iv ever had in a bong, cant even tell your breathing in smoke. And if you dont want to take the hit, just push down the cap and save it for later....
  19. His.Royal.Freshness

    Check my new homemade bong

    A bong that has been forged within the depths of ganandorf. Hand crafted from pristine metals from the heart of mt. fugi. A true visual spectrum that will send your blazed eyes and your and your baked heart on an adventure they will never forget.
  20. His.Royal.Freshness

    Over watering?

    Alright, so im a bit concerned with what the hell my plants deal is. I have been led to believe that it is over watering, but it still would be real swell if I could get some opinions on this shit. It appears to have droopy leaves and burns on the tips of several of them. My plant is about 3...