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  1. J

    how many plants can fit?

    In a setup like that your probably only going to get one plant in there. I think a 12inch by 12inch is minimum for one plant man i would go with one female clone, or a feminized seed so you don't waste your time with a male :lol:
  2. J

    When is OG kush gonna be back in stock?!

    I want to become a triple og how do you do that lol
  3. J

    Fimming With My Blaze: A Complete How to FIM Guide

    That is so awesome I actually FIM'd one of my plants on accident and was like wtf thats some crazy looking shit and then I come on here and am like wow im going to do it on purpose next time lol.
  4. J

    Questions for HPS v CFL grow

    You could also add the 150hps and keep some of the cfls for the bottom of the plant, then you could add cfls till you equal the total wattage your currently using and get more lumens oh yeahhhh!!
  5. J

    Hawaiian Reggae

    yea where i live we call it pineapple jams
  6. J

    Looking for company selling good PURP strains.

    Bcseeds is freaking expensive holy shit!!!
  7. J

    Just bought a 400w hps oh yeah!!

    My house is actually kinda freezing right now luckily heheeh, but in the summer im sure it will get hot, I live in central california so its not that bad right now. I would get a fan and everything but I live in an old house and the wiring here scares me I might try to wire in a brand new box...
  8. J

    Just bought a 400w hps oh yeah!!

    Yeah im hoping the widow will make people "too high" lol I think the cfls are good for vegging and for learning how to basically go through the process of growing and then when you got that down kick it up a notch lol. I kept the 400 last night about 18" from the top of the plants and it stayed...
  9. J

    3000w trees!

    I have been wanting to try a sub cool method of the soil in the pots. I want to experiment with the bottom layer of the pot fox farm ocean, and the top 3/4 soil happy frog and see how they do.
  10. J

    Just bought a 400w hps oh yeah!!

    Yea definately better than the brick form heheh, everyone that has smoked it so far says its "perfect" you dont get too high and your just mellow and relaxed and really hungry let me tell you lol.
  11. J

    Just bought a 400w hps oh yeah!!

    They gave me an Ultra Sun bulb I dont know if those are good though hehe I know its bright as hell lol.
  12. J

    Just bought a 400w hps oh yeah!!

    Hey guys I just had to post on here that I just moved up from cfls to the big leagues heeheh. I have been using two 65w cfls with two 23w cfls for a plant and getting about an oz everytime off of mexican brick weed seeds hehe. Today I went to my local hydro store and bought the sun systems yeild...
  13. J

    Yellow Doted leaves 6 weeks flowering

    Man I had yellow dots on my leaves too and I went down to my local hydro store and they told me it was spider mites. I went home and looked and sure enough it was spider mites. If you are close to harvest I wouldnt use any bug killer stuff just try to get as much of them off as you can with your...
  14. J

    Help! What do I do - pics!

    [I would also get some bulbs in the 6500k range that 3000 to 4000 range bulb is kinda useless for the plant. You want 6500k for vegging and 2700k flowering bro, im actually growing my first plant with cfls right now heheh.
  15. J


    I have heard that also and I tripped my balls off once off of 4 grams of aborts lol but its still 4grams lol.
  16. J

    First time grower indoors plant problem

    Here is some pics of the little hairs heheh :)
  17. J

    First time grower indoors plant problem

    I have the plant going on two weeks now 12/12 she is doing much better and has buds popping up all over the tops oh yessss! I am going to put some pics on tomorrow since its on the dark cycle but I also used a tomato cage over the plant for light mounts its kinda okey but it works hehe
  18. J

    First time grower indoors plant problem

    I need to work on the vent, I am thinking about cutting a whole in the top of the little grow area and putting one of those dryer ducts into the attic hehhe, right now I a fan circulating air in there but there really isnt no escape for it on top of the room.
  19. J

    First time grower indoors plant problem

    Thanks for the advice man, so should I turn the 6500k ones off and only run 2700k lights for the bloom period.
  20. J

    First time grower indoors plant problem

    Ok guys I have changed soil to miracle grow and added two 23w 6500k light bulbs and it looks like it is doing better, I still have one concern though I flushed the miracle grow soil and the bucket is still heavy after like four days its a five gallon bucket. I am worrying that its not draining...