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    your prices on extasty

    went to the pendulum concert last weekend in seattle met a dealer who hooked me up with 2 dub stacks and a quad stack for $7 but i guess it was one of those i just met you but your a homie hookup pretty much he said he'd sell em to me for 3 bucks a pop for quad stacks on an everyday basis imma...

    What's your preferred method of smoking?

    im a bong guy

    I was so high that I...

    i was so high that my friend was pushing my car so i didnt wake up his dad and i went down a hill tapping the breaks and forgot to turn on the lights and ran over a lamp post haha then thru the car in reverse and got outta there they didnt notice the lamp for 3 days lol(first day i got my...

    Near death experiences?

    like i said you dont think of anything its hard to explain but it was like i saw all the mistakes in my life and all the good ive done when i came back i changed alot of what i do smoking marijuana was not in the list of wrongs or rights as i remember but all the things i did to people that were...

    Near death experiences?

    Thanks man

    Near death experiences?

    sorry bout the punctuation i had to get to work and decided to write it befor hand and yeah they let me out 2 days after it happened becaus i was able to eat and i was in no serious pain didnt have anything but a little road rash on my back but i was in a neck brace for a month


    So this year on 5/7/09 I was chillen with my friend and he decided to go to the store so i go out to his car and jump on the back as a joke he starts the car and decides to start backing up but when he noticed me he slammed on the brakes and i lost my grip and fell off the back and hit my head...

    Near death experiences?

    Credit for this thread goes to creepy stevie. Alright so the idea of this thread is to post your near death experiences I'l start with mine except i actually died. So this year on 5/7/09 I was chillen with my friend and he decided to go to the store so i go out to his car and jump on the back as...

    you want me to start a thread about dying lol i mean i got a pic of me in the hospital but its...

    you want me to start a thread about dying lol i mean i got a pic of me in the hospital but its just not that interesting to me lol but il do it for you stevie but you gotta post in it
  10. xTHEBAKERx

    Stoner Pets or Strange Pets

    completely agreed she was the most loving dog you'd ever meet and every animal ive ever gotten except my iguana ive gotten from an animal abuse shelter so im doin my part:hump:
  11. xTHEBAKERx

    Stoner Pets or Strange Pets

    This is my old dog Daisy we rescued her from a shelter for old fighting dogs that lost a fight so they were gonna kill her:o
  12. xTHEBAKERx

    Call of Duty 5

    my GT is xTHEBAKERx but ive been gone all sumer but il definately be back in 5 days too crank out the massacre:fire:
  13. xTHEBAKERx

    Would all Irish growers please stand up!!

    im not even irish but my aunt and uncle lives here in youghal by cork and my uncle grows and he does like the markets making crepes french pankakes and everyone on those markets in the south grows
  14. xTHEBAKERx

    Stoner Pets or Strange Pets

    This is my cat hes hella fat and his name is Thumber cuz he got thrown out of a car at 60 mph(previous owner fucking animal haters:finger:) so hes got metal front legs and when he walks on my hardwood floor it thumps :-P
  15. xTHEBAKERx

    The Most Weed You Ever Smoked?

    damb dude your right musta been longer but it definately was 4 pounds hmmm it was light when we started and dark when we finised hmmm yeah prolly way longer but it felt like we were only smoking for 4 hours lol
  16. xTHEBAKERx

    Help broken bong!!

    no big deal man i grew up wit her like that thats why i paid her for all she did and got the fuck outta there
  17. xTHEBAKERx

    whats "bonded title"?

    your completely right my bad was a little to high lol
  18. xTHEBAKERx

    Help broken bong!!

    hahaha louis im not gonna hit my mom i just told her to get the fuck outta my house i said i dont fuck with that shit and she just got outta rehab sad :(
  19. xTHEBAKERx

    The Most Weed You Ever Smoked?

    it took us 4 hours to get thru the 4 pounds but next day when i woke up still high i smoked anothe QP to myself lol so thats an hour a pound
  20. xTHEBAKERx

    Help broken bong!!

    my local head shop custom ordered it for me his daughters my roomate/toy lol