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  1. S

    hotsxyman911's guide to making cannabutter.

    Ive got a question tho.. If I were to put it in oatmeal and stir it in and then microwave it wll this work? and would i put alot of butter or will little get me high?
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    hotsxyman911's guide to making cannabutter.

    Had alittle stem collection goin, i fiugred after my plants grow this collection would be pointless due to amout of stem and leaf i'd get from my plants.. but anyways used you method how ever, to strain it all I used was a paper towel, so itworked fine. but thats only because im stuck in a snow...
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    11year old mother?

    DAMN!!!!11 year old.. Her titties must've grown like shit for a girl her age fuckin disgusting and I can't inquire such thoughts as my brain has combusted
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    My Small Grow box

    Word man, Pick up yourself some wall-light mounts at home depot or wherever , but there just light mounts you'd find in your garage or closet. For the fans, I cut 2 circles the size of the fans wingspan, screwed a fan on one hole facing inwards and one fan facing outwards. bottabing...
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    LST Blueberry CFL grow!! First grow! Lot of pictures!

    You want the completely organic ones, straight molasses no additives or any thing. Probably find it at a Organic grocery store
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    My Small Grow box

    Thanks bro! much appreciation, I need all the advice i can get! :D (sorry for the late response.)
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    My Small Grow box

    So I'm growing, in this 2 foot tall by 1.5 feet wide Wooden box. It consists of 2 computer fans, intake and outtake, mylar on the ceiling,and one 105 Watt CFL Light Bulb - Full Spectrum 5000K. So, as of right now, there are 6 plants in there that are poppin right out of the soil. I...
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    getting my plant to grow faster

    that really depends man, if your doing outdoor, flowering will start when the days start getting shorter, such as fall. but if your doing indoor, you've got to change the amount of light its getting. such as 12 on 12 off
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    sumthings wrong, can u all help?+rep

    No matter how much your giving it water, even if its 4 to 6 days, your still drowning the roots in that container that just keeps the water in. You should wait till the top of the soil is dry and light brown before you water it anyways. maybe you do that, im not sure. but I really dont know much...