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  1. I

    hey whats up bro.i dont no if u got my other message so ill type new to this grow shit...

    hey whats up bro.i dont no if u got my other message so ill type new to this grow shit but i kinda no what im doin.i got to plants growin in a 5 gallon tub in egg shells for now with tinfoil raped all inside of it.they have been growin for 5 days and i already have them at 1in and a...
  2. I

    whats the earliest you can make your plants flower

    hey whats up.i just started growing two plants in my closet its pretty big but im not useing it really im useing a 5 gallon tob with tinfoil raped all in side.i already have my plants at 1 1/2 in 5 days they are growing fast.i just need to know how do i flower them once i get em 12 inches?is...