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  1. SugaBabySoSexy

    How old are you?

    Forever 21. I still got l0ts o' time...... to smoke :)
  2. SugaBabySoSexy

    Massive good karma right jere.. if u want it

    I'm writing about that QP of karma I ordered... I've waited the 4-6 weeks and it still hasn't arrived
  3. SugaBabySoSexy

    Bump this if ur High right now..

    Buuuuuump x2 -_-
  4. SugaBabySoSexy

    Whats Your Pot Peeve?

    oh but u know what.. I feel the same way about when u bring a bottle of liquor to a buddys house.. it's like why do we have to drink the whole thing? We can't have a few drinks like normal ppl and put it away? But they keep drinkin and u see ur bottles almost gone so u keep drinkin and before u...
  5. SugaBabySoSexy

    What is that?

    Love this thread!
  6. SugaBabySoSexy

    Whats Your Pot Peeve?

    ppl that think "sparking the blunt" means smoking the first 1/4 of it. I also DO NOT smoke the whole thang in one sitting.. an all day buzz is an all day smile :D
  7. SugaBabySoSexy

    i got the f***in munches

    oooo i'm totally in the same boat. Two stores, opposite directions, equally far, too baked to wobble down to either one.. what to do what to do. That french fry behind the computer is startin to look awfully g00d haha
  8. SugaBabySoSexy

    RIU Lurkers SUCK!

    oooo yes! agreed (x2)
  9. SugaBabySoSexy

    Massive good karma right jere.. if u want it

    Sure! I'll take a quarter pound of that there good karma! XoXo much l0ve
  10. SugaBabySoSexy

    What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?!

    Ozzy Osborne - Crazy Train, next on the playlist is Kim Leoni - Medicine (Way to switchup the vibe!)
  11. SugaBabySoSexy

    Sativa Vs. Indica

    When i lived in Southern California ppl actually knew the difference, knew what kind of herb they had, etc.. I live in Washington now and the herb is just herb. U ask what kind it is and they say "The good kind?" So I dont care anymore.. It's green?? It's gettin smoked!!
  12. SugaBabySoSexy

    RIU Lurkers SUCK!

    Agreed! (See i post stuff too, I iz one of the cool crowd!)
  13. SugaBabySoSexy

    A pot milkshake party? I wanna go!

    ooooo yummy I love almond.. Can I get mine in Chocolate Almond? [10+ Points for india!]
  14. SugaBabySoSexy

    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    I'm catholic and I dont feel that its the most terrible thing we could be doing. It may not be GREAT but the CRIMES AGAINST OTHERS are the things we should really do our best to avoid. Dont steal, dont hurt others, treat others with l0ve even when they deserve none. Just try to be good to your...
  15. SugaBabySoSexy

    Pick your 3 favorite drugs...

    Herb, X, & Sex!! yayyyyy
  16. SugaBabySoSexy

    to all girls.. where can i buy a awsome nail set from.. Good prices and allot of stuf

    Ya, def go with the Gift Certificate idea... or better yet, look up a spa nearby, and book her a spa package.. Like a massage & facial or pedicure or somethin. You'll score some cool brownie points
  17. SugaBabySoSexy

    Pick your 3 favorite drugs...

    wait... can i switch out extacy for masturbation? i can still do that right?
  18. SugaBabySoSexy

    Pick your 3 favorite drugs...

    Herb, eXtacy, SEX... Yes it's a drug (Addicting=Drug) haha
  19. SugaBabySoSexy

    List of stoner movies?

    Has anyone seen KABLUEY? With the blue guy omg BEST m0vie i've ever seen while st0ned... I laughed myself into a coma.. twice