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  1. StickyIckI

    My Tangerine Dream

    :leaf:Hey I liked the germ rate from Barney's Farm and started germinating mine in beginning of January and like the way they are turning out.:weed:
  2. StickyIckI

    Barney's Tangerine Dream... Any info???? G-13?

    :leaf:Hey I had a great germ rate with Barney's Farm, I started germinating in beginning of January and love the way they are turning out.:weed:
  3. StickyIckI

    1st try Barney's Tangerine Dream - Hempy/Scrog method

    :leaf:Hey nice grow I started BF Tangerine Dream in the beginning of January and like how they are turning out.:weed:
  4. StickyIckI

    Female has 2 branches showing ball sacks?

    Yeah I think i did have a little indirect light leak if that will do and i will make sure at night to make leak proof I have picked off all male parts i have seen and they look like they are going good for female plants? i have yet picked a male part off that has the "Open Shell" i just go...
  5. StickyIckI

    Female has 2 branches showing ball sacks?

    ok so if i found one of those seeds on my other plant what should i do just pick them all off everyday day or chop the plant with most seeds. This is my 1st grow and got seeds from dispensary it is Sour Diesel and next time i am buying feminized, this sucks, but after caring for these since june...
  6. StickyIckI

    Female has 2 branches showing ball sacks?

    And my other plant, I found 1 of these on it, but none have opened. since i found 1 on other plant should i just pick them all off everyday or take out the plant with majority of seeds and hope for the best?
  7. StickyIckI

    Female has 2 branches showing ball sacks?

    These are what i have pulled off branches by bud sites, is this the male seeds i want to remove?
  8. StickyIckI

    Female has 2 branches showing ball sacks?

    the sacks seem pretty new they are small light green and there was probably like 15 around different branches but not in middle? is that normal and if i am correct i can just look at entire plant and take off these sacks and should be fine, i just would hate to chuck a plant that has been female...
  9. StickyIckI

    Female has 2 branches showing ball sacks?

    I just don't get why it has that going on in just 2 locations on branches and rest of plant looks good?? all those pics are same plant but i was hoping that i can just pick them off and it will not stress it, even if the little sack has a pistil popping through? i just wanna make sure i rip off...
  10. StickyIckI

    Female has 2 branches showing ball sacks?

    I have 2 plants just this one with these signs, so as long as i rip off the little sacks everyday i will be fine
  11. StickyIckI

    Female has 2 branches showing ball sacks?

    Hello I have two plant that have been on 12/12 since July 30 and now one has a couple branches that just under bud site is a couple little ball looking things on one a pistil is popping through, no where else on plant but in a small area can i just pick them off or what should i...
  12. StickyIckI

    400 watt mh/hps

    It is good to hear a strain of diesel like higher temps. i would say my area tamp stays @ 82-84 during day and 69-72 @ night but seem to be just fine if it was fully enclosed i think temps would be much higher and would need exhaust and intake fan but if it has open air available it seems good...
  13. StickyIckI

    400 watt mh/hps

    One plant is 44 inches and other is 46 inches from top of soil, almost 4 feet. They been under 12/12 since July 30, by early flowering what is your guess on harvest time give or take?
  14. StickyIckI

    400 watt mh/hps

    No problem yeah you will be fine I will post more pics as the girls finish flowering
  15. StickyIckI

    400 watt mh/hps

    Yeah you should be fine unless it is in a enclosed area or closet than it may have to be left open from time to time. I just put a good little amount in bowl and than just fill my little plastic syringe (one from a dentist to clean out your wisdom teeth hole) it applies pressure and mixes it up...
  16. StickyIckI

    400 watt mh/hps

    Yeah just 1 fan for cooling and has 3 piece velcro wall, but i usually let it chill with bottom section insulation with board attached to bottom and i slide out like a door and velcro shut... had to think of something to keep the cat from biting my leaves!, temperatures are day time 76-84 but...
  17. StickyIckI

    400 watt mh/hps

    It has had a skunky musty smell for 60 days wonder what stink level will be when starts to bud I will post and pics
  18. StickyIckI

    400 watt mh/hps

    They were 22 inches I reckon
  19. StickyIckI

    400 watt mh/hps

    Hello this is 1st grow for me and got 2 sour diesel seeds from medical marijuana dispensary purchase and they were germinated with 2-3 oz water overnight, under cfl lights for 1 month on 18/6 and then switched to 400 watt mh still on 18/6 For a month and since July 31 been on 400 watt hps 12/12...
  20. StickyIckI

    Height Issues w/ pics

    Ok cool thanks That pic helps, I just do not know when these will stop reaching it is my first grow and do not wanna be screwed in the end cause I have no room!