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  1. darksidetk421

    Did you know there's two types of ph down

    i think i just might look into this
  2. darksidetk421


    i agree with lordfister,... i'm just under 3 weeks on a cycle and just had to kill off 8 purple kushes due to some dumb ass that thought it was a good idea to cut & sell clones from a male. lol probably doesn't even know he's doing it. anyway, be smart and don't waste your time on clones.
  3. darksidetk421

    HydroFlow Systems

    Hi all, just wondering if I'm doing something wrong here. I have 2 very young plants that I have transplanted into a hydro flow system and I think I may have done this a bit too soon due to them being as young as they are. I have some pics of what is going on with them and want to know, did I...
  4. darksidetk421

    what is Afgoo?

    yeah I had a feeling the strain was an afghan of some sort but, I've heard some grape vine talk about it being crossed with something out of Maui, ... is the Afgoo a straight indica or some sort of hybrid thing going on with it?
  5. darksidetk421

    Outdoors in Northern Cali.

    What is the Afgoo, ... I've been trying to find out more about that strain but I'm not finding much on it
  6. darksidetk421

    what is Afgoo?

    So, the question being asked here is "What is the origin of the Afgoo strain"? can anyone help. I've heard it may have some relation to a Maui. Please help:-?
  7. darksidetk421

    Afgoo and Sweet&Sour Skunk grow. 100 % Organic!!!!

    just wondering if you know anything about the origins on the Afgoo Strain? I'm having a hard time finding any info on thesrain.
  8. darksidetk421

    LED or HPS?

    Thanks guys, that's what I was thinking. I think I just needed to hear it for myself
  9. darksidetk421

    Aeroponics Life Cycles?

    Ok thanks for your input, ... and I don't know why some of the people I've been talking to have been telling me that 4 weeks is all that's need to fully flower after the vegging stage. no worries though, I guess seeing is believing right lol
  10. darksidetk421

    LED or HPS?

    Ok folks need your help yet again lol. I've been reading some mixed up stuff on LED vs. HPS lights but, only been able to find info from like 2 years ago. now I'm sure things have changed since 2 years ago and wanted to see if any of you had any experience with either the LED's or HPS lights...
  11. darksidetk421

    Aeroponics Life Cycles?

    WOW! that was fast lol, wasn't expecting such quick responces, not that i'm complaining I'm really glad to get your opinions. would I be right to assume that my veg stage could be cut down in time, and my flowering stage would still have to be around the 4 week time frame, also my yields...
  12. darksidetk421

    Aeroponics Life Cycles?

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum and was hoping someone could help me out with something I've been wondering about. I'm planning on setting up 2 separate grow rooms, 1 for veg stage and the 2nd for flowering now, ... What I've been curious about is, when switching from veg stage to flower stage, do...