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  1. W

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    where can u get cheese that cheap in uk round here its like 160-225 its a rip of prices have gone thru the roof ppl i know are selling it for 10er a gram
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    running grow lights of batterys

    Hi there i was wondering if i got some big lesurie batteries these would be powerfull enough to power a grow light and would it needed to be charged often if so how much thanks
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    Automatic plants outdoors in the uk

    Hi there i currently have some automatic white russian outdoors in the uk will be ready next week i was wondering if i can do any more maybe something that finished in 8 weeks thanks
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    hi dose any1 know when i should flush and with wat?? my auto white russian have been going 8 nearly nine weeks
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    How important is PH

    ive just orders a ph tester off ebay so will test it when it comes is it ment to be around 6?? cheers for all the advice
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    How important is PH

    dose any1 know when i should flush them and flush with what?? thanks
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    How important is PH

    Yea i know what u mean i have 2 automatic white russian outside and 2 indoors eventho my 2 indoors have only been on 12/12 my outdoor 1s are doing better even in this good ole english summer :lol:
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    How important is PH

    well i dont know what mine is im just using tap water with dr hornbys bigbud and canna part a and b for hard water
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    How important is PH

    Hi there i was wondering how important ph is?? because my mates have grown and it comes out just like homegrown u can buy and its not very good is this because of ph?? Thanks
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    Automatic White Russian Problem

    Heres some pics mate
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    Automatic White Russian Problem

    They are bigger than mine this is my 1st time my plants just get light when ever if at home incase my mum find them and since it been ill hasnt really grown much :(
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    Automatic White Russian Problem

    i will post a picture 2nite mate cus its got the lights off atm but she not very big as i had to cut some leaves on in the first 2 weeks cus the light fell onto her, i am using cfl300 dual spectrum and dont know the make of compost sorry, how big are urs??
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    Automatic White Russian Problem

    cheers and no im not checking the ph what shud i be at?? im using dr horbys big bud and cann part a and b for hard water
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    Automatic White Russian Problem

    Hi every1 hope youve all had a good day and are all good. I have some automatic white russian on the go and 1 of them has start to get these green pathes on the leaves and some brown marks but i can work out if its heat or nuite burn because i cant find any other pics with the green splotchers...