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  1. jmurk5mm

    first grow seedlings not doing to good

    i found the problem i tested the runoff water and the ph is 8.4! does this mean my soil is too acidic if so how do i fix? also the alkilinity is 240 ppm
  2. jmurk5mm

    first grow seedlings not doing to good

    theyr still looking the same one of them is almost folding in half and has purple under the leafe and on the new leaves
  3. jmurk5mm

    Second grow attempt white widow micro

    thanks ill keep that in mind. i put in a bowl of water in front of the intake hopefully thaty helps
  4. jmurk5mm

    Second grow attempt white widow micro

    nevermind here they are it was still in the recycle bin
  5. jmurk5mm

    Second grow attempt white widow micro

    i deleted the pictures from my computer but you can see them on my album in my profile or in my other thread in plant problems. ill upload some new ones in a couple of days
  6. jmurk5mm

    Second grow attempt white widow micro

    helllo der boys n girls, this is my second attempt to grow white widow nirvana. the first time i had to abandon the grow right when my only female started to flower. since then ive been having some bad luck keeping my seedlings alive. these are a week old and are already having some trouble. i...
  7. jmurk5mm

    first grow seedlings not doing to good

    does anybody think i should move them away from the light?
  8. jmurk5mm

    first grow seedlings not doing to good

    the mutant plant only has one cotyledon the other one is like messed up and yellow. i had to help that one out of the seed shell
  9. jmurk5mm

    first grow seedlings not doing to good

    i didnt even think about the white of the cups ill cover them up with something if not tape.
  10. jmurk5mm

    first grow seedlings not doing to good

    ive been tryn to let them completely dry out before watering but its usually that time frame every other day. being that close to the light and the fan makes the soil dry out quickly.
  11. jmurk5mm

    first grow seedlings not doing to good

    these are some pics of the plants maybe im just buggin but in the light they do look a bit lime green
  12. jmurk5mm

    first grow seedlings not doing to good

    also the ph of my water is 6
  13. jmurk5mm

    first grow seedlings not doing to good

    hi im new here this is my first post. well i never got to finish a grow i had growing last year so i thought id try again but have been having the worst luck. anyway without babbling on too much this batch is white widow from nirvana they started off strong but lately they seem to be stunted...