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  1. P

    White spots and fungus gnats

    just be careful before diagnosing your precious plants with a fungi or whatnot. i recently had a problem of my leaves turning yellow slowly . i thought it was everythin from nutrition probs to fungi to insects ....... wait for it here it comes....... the plants were drowning in a fully plumbed...
  2. P

    hey dude, im having a problem with my white widow babies. they are in their second week of...

    hey dude, im having a problem with my white widow babies. they are in their second week of flowering. the leaves have tuned yellow, even white, startn from the shade leaves then to all of them. there are no deficiantcies or nutrient build up. im thinking along the lines of over watering and the...
  3. P

    Free Grow Videos

    hey dude, im having a problem with my white widow babies. they are in their second week of flowering. the leaves have tuned yellow, even white, startn from the shade leaves then to all of them. there are no deficiantcies or nutrient build up. im thinking along the lines of over watering and the...