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  1. rollin20crip

    Cheap c02 idea

    thanks for everyones response, and you will recieve rep points
  2. rollin20crip

    Cheap c02 idea

    hahah okay out of all your guys responses ill go with locking hobos in my growroom to talk to my plants LMAO
  3. rollin20crip

    Cheap c02 idea

    do you guys think if i were to by a humidifier such as this|Sunpentown_Ultrasonic_Humidifier_SU2000&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=B000O3I26M&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001 and just filled the tank with sparkling...
  4. rollin20crip

    walk in closet grow design

    check it out and let me know if you have any suggestions. HELP IS REALLY NEEDED FOR THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IVE GROWN
  5. rollin20crip

    Please help with my gro room design

    i would go ahead and buy some mylar to use for reflective material, cover the area, then buy an actual light hood. having a light hood will dispurse your lighting more efficiantly. check out those videos. they...
  6. rollin20crip

    White Paper to line a grow box?

    buy some mylar, its only 20 dollars or so, and you will have enough to cover 100 cupboards if needed lol
  7. rollin20crip

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    amazing how much did that set you back
  8. rollin20crip

    low key low cost grow room

    lmao, honestly huh hahaha. damn im in the hole like 800 with the lights and stuff.. hopefully my crop makes up for it!! :)
  9. rollin20crip

    O nice, i will have to try that, thanks for the info :)

    O nice, i will have to try that, thanks for the info :)
  10. rollin20crip

    low key low cost grow room

    okay thanks alot widow, im ordering one right now!! and mazpot, i can see why it cost 5 dollars hahaha
  11. rollin20crip

    low key low cost grow room

    do any of you use hydroponic systems? if so have you seen any difference using a air stone in your resivoir?
  12. rollin20crip

    low key low cost grow room

    well that was just to get a picture as to what im going to do with the ducting... im going to have a mini squirel cage fan connected to the ducting sucking air out of the veg and flowering rooms blowing it into a vent on the top of the room.
  13. rollin20crip

    Can a 400w mh and 2 48" full spectrum floros gow a personal supply

    those lights you have are both for vegitative growth. your going to have to get a hps bulb. i recommend using the mh lamp fixture for the hps bulb. (for flowering, but only if the fixture is a covertable, if not your oging to have to get a whole hps lamp set up), and then the 2 48" full spectrum...
  14. rollin20crip

    Note to all americans! Wanna make money, i have found a niche in the market for you.

    so your willing to pay us to get you munchies ? hahahahahaha
  15. rollin20crip

    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    dont think your smoking the right stuff
  16. rollin20crip

    O fuck i just read the question wrong,... not to root your seeds you will germ your seeds in a...

    O fuck i just read the question wrong,... not to root your seeds you will germ your seeds in a paper napkin or just a cup of water in a dark place. then when the seeds have sprouted you just through them in the medium your using and stick em under lights and they will grow
  17. rollin20crip

    yeah for the first few weeks of clones. they dont have a root system goin yet, so you need to...

    yeah for the first few weeks of clones. they dont have a root system goin yet, so you need to use the dome to keep it humid enough to feed the cuttings through the leafs. lemme know if you need some more help homie
  18. rollin20crip

    best way to cure?...

    thanks for all the answers guys, i appreciate it !!!! :)
  19. rollin20crip

    low key low cost grow room

    thanks alot man appreciate it :). im going to go ahead and grab 2 inline fans and one squirel cage fan. im going to have the dryer hoses going into both rooms then have the dryer hose's hooked to a "Y" connector. so the 2 dryer hoses and the squirel cage are going to be connected together...
  20. rollin20crip

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    damn i must be too high, heres the other link for the progress made