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  1. turbo

    Mandala Seeds - Satori Grow

    looking nice so far man
  2. turbo

    Dark jars for curing

    smart idea bigbud
  3. turbo

    Dark jars for curing

    theres lots of ways you can do it, just keep it dark
  4. turbo

    jar curing help

    good info guys thanks
  5. turbo

    jar curing help

    do i just leave my buds in a jar or do i open the top everyso often a day? thanks
  6. turbo

    Dark jars for curing

    i just wrap my jars in black construction paper that keeps total darkness
  7. turbo

    Keeping your grow safe

    the average is about 10-20 ya just never know
  8. turbo


    well they were about a week away from harvest about 75% of pistils were orange/brown
  9. turbo


    dude i woodnt smoke that
  10. turbo


    good news he happened to steal them from the garbage back their in we are curing them now, such a relief
  11. turbo


    So we were growing some plants since May,19,07 now we are at the date Aug,10,07 and i woke up this morning to get the horrible call that our plants were found by this kids mom and now, we have to start all over.. All of us here are very sad but now we are getting ready for our big grow... two...
  12. turbo

    Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

    one thing you should get for the transplant is, the mir-grow tranplant mix it helps the plant adjust to the soil faster. also buy the soil that has the plant food in it...that really helps..another thing is ..when transplanting into seperate pot pull out with about and inch of dirt around the...
  13. turbo

    The color of my dreams

    why not mix sum crack and water too while were at it lol jk however cherry juice diluted with water sounds good ill try it and let yall know
  14. turbo

    Feminized seeds = male plants??

    that sucks ........yank before they pollinate all the other fuckin ones.......
  15. turbo

    what to do with dying leafs

    pull em off n use them as mulch
  16. turbo

    Is this normal for Flowering?

    no 7cfls isnt too much light, are the curled leaves moist or are they drying out? if they are moist it may be from too much humidity if they are dry it may be temperature or underwatering
  17. turbo

    orange pistils

    once 80% of the white pistils turn a hint of orange it is time to harvest
  18. turbo

    Mandala Seeds - Satori Grow

    no problem man if you need any help let me know
  19. turbo

    3 weeks into flowering but im starting to see borwn hairs on some of the buds???

    over time the buds get bigger and fatter, just keep up the good work and be patient, waiting sucks lol
  20. turbo

    help spots

    the spots are from overfertilization i had that problem in the past use feterlizer once every 10-14 days depending on the fertilizer