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  1. M

    My German Shepherd got KILLED by a car today

    Hi Lacy, Time will mend your heart, its hard right now but it will. I hope that journey is a painless one and your friends and family give you the support you need. madb
  2. M

    It's All Bullsh*t

    Man complicates things if you ask me, plant it in the ground and let nature do her thing you might be surprised at the results :peace:
  3. M

    Possible 4 Bud 2B Ready B4 Due Date??? Please Help

    Well they sure look nice, but i think the current consensus is you need a high percentage of red hairs. You could also check out the growfaq mate it might help you get through. madb
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    Took A Punt

    Thanks guys, Wish i knew the strain.... The siblings are really taking off now as the weather warms up over here.
  5. M

    Took A Punt

    Only like 2 foot tall, i planted it a little early over here towards the end of winter so i am gathering thats why she flowered early. I have some siblings in now as summer is about to start.
  6. M

    Took A Punt

    Hi all, 1st grow, 1st post, outdoor in soil, .au Any ideas on the strain? What do you think for my first attempt? :peace: