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  1. S

    Welcome New Members!

    heymatth82003-i hav a ku estion for jou-i see jou ar veriy smart in weed thinks - plees tel mee---how long(minutes) should the flood,in my hydro system?
  2. S

    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    hello-have you see that my name is: staarter:'d like to start from ground to hidroponic-rearing I have read almost all of the recent face-but the question of the duration of floating-then how long and how many times a minute should drive the process 1? raft of one or more times?
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    AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0

    how long is a fluud time?
  4. S


    hello-have you see that my name is: staarter:'d like to start from ground to hidroponic-rearing I have read almost all of the recent face-but the question of the duration of floating-then how long and how many times a minute should drive the process 1? raft of one or more times?