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  1. S

    D.W.C 'Show-Off' THREAD. post your pretty and proud DWC piks here

    heres a pic that works. am i doing ok? let me know pls.. thanks
  2. S

    D.W.C 'Show-Off' THREAD. post your pretty and proud DWC piks here

    hey this is my first DWC im in week 3 of flowering i have 2 girls and a hermi but ima keep it :/. im using pure blend pro heres a pic of the grow so far.
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    hey just wanted to update everyone with this pic of my plant ( the other one died ). let me know what you guys think. thanks
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    ok so its been a month sense i changed my light cycle to 12/12 and this is what ive got so far.. am i supposed to be seeing bud now? do i look like im on track? am i doing anything wrong?
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    thats awesome thanks for the help.. ill be posting new pics when they start getting pretty.
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    dam im crossing my fingers.. and how long does it usually take to finish flowering when i can collect the bud?
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    thats perfect that the hight that i would want it at.. im trying to be able to harvest by mid dec.. i hope i have females!! do males produce bud too? or just pollen sacks?
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    so would i get a good amount from my plant size now (from looking at the pics)?
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    dam i thought once you put your plants at 12/12 they start budding and dont grow as much.. ill switch it right away then
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    i only have one room right now so i havent been able to sex them yet. but its not too early to change to 12/12 yet?
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    how much more do you think i have till i start flowering?
  12. S

    first time grower... comments wanted

    about a month. my plants stopped growing for a while, im guessing it was too cold for them.
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    first time grower... comments wanted

    so its almost been a month sense my last post and these are the plants now. 2 have grown pretty strong but another one's growth was stunted or something cuz its just started to really grow again. PICS: let me know what u think
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    HELP first time grower HELP!!!... comments wanted

    yea i have a fan but its just in the room for air circulation should it be higher so it hits the plants? ill try to take a better pic of the white stuff that concerns me too.
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    HELP first time grower HELP!!!... comments wanted

    i started giving it plant food? is there something else i should be giving it?
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    HELP first time grower HELP!!!... comments wanted

    ok i just thought that the foil would help with the light. but over the overwatering it looks fine?
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    HELP first time grower HELP!!!... comments wanted

    hey these are my plants now after about 1 month and a half. this is my set up but i dont know whats going on with some of my plants theyre getting 18hrs of light but only one seemed to grow and it was pretty week, almost feel over and i had to put a stick to hold it up (hope it heals). i have...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    do these plants have "cuping"? how can i fix it? thanks
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    first time grower... comments wanted PART II

    can i get someones thoughts please! thanks
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    first time grower... comments wanted PART II

    hey, thanks again for all the comments on my last thread this is an update with the advice you guys gave me from about a week ago check out my plants now and let me know what you think. i have some worries about some yellowing of the bottom leafs. all comments are welcome. thanks!