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  1. S

    The AeroGarden

    I started my own thread, but got only a couple of responces. Thanks for the kind words. I'm flowering right now. Ive got three big girls and one runt (i think its a girl too). I will post more pics if...
  2. S

    The AeroGarden

    I've been growing with AG nutes ( two of the small tablets every two weeks) for 5 weeks now, and all my plants look wonderful to me. I think I'm going to stick with the AG nutes, unless I have problems, No problems so far (knock on wood). The pic shot at 28 days old
  3. S

    Aerogarden 1st grow @ 28 days, comments Please

    Thanks r32115, I really appreciate the advise. You started flowering at 7 weeks? How tall were they at that point? Thanks Snackmix
  4. S

    Aerogarden 1st grow @ 28 days, comments Please

    Hey Guys and Girls, This is my first attempt at growing bud. Its from OG Cush seeds (i think). The plants are 6 1/2" tall at 28 days, I have the AG on tomato/peppers setting. I've added (one week ago) 2 - 150 watt CF lights, a fish tank air stone, and a small fan. I think I'm the right track...